torment, meeting

27 2 3

"Jade. Kill me right now."

"Whoawhoawhoa! It's only the first day of school!"

Euclase fiddles with the telephone line, hand fidgeting, eyes darting around, ass not staying on the fucking couch. This is a hard time for them, and the only number they bothered to memorize and remember from their old town was Jade's, their closest friend, a trusty class rep.

But as trusty as Jade is, the guy wouldn't understand Euclase's current panic no matter how hard they try.

"You don't get it!"

"No, okay, Euc, just- just calm down."

Euclase shakes their head, as if Jade could see it from the other side of the line. "No! No... I can't calm down! I'd done goofed! Th, the first day of school too..!"

"Okay, how- how bad was it?! Just calm down, stay with me, I'm sure it's not so bad."

Euclase gets shivers just remembering how the introduction went today.

"It... it was..."

"It was...?"

".......Preeeettttyyyyy bad."


Well, in retrospect, it probably didn't go as bad as Euclase's been describing it, but the pressure's really on them. Their whole life so far had been so perfect! They were assistant class rep, a good student, had good grades and a good rep and a good introduction to start everything off and while the second last thing they listed off and everything else before it still remains true, the last one is an outlier.


Because Euclase really fucked up big time on their introduction at their new school.


Let's just say... their vampirism really screwed them over for the first time in 4 years.

But how did they even turn into a vampire in the first place?

....Leeeeet's just say a dare some fifth grader, who happens to be your classmate challenged you to shouldn't be taken seriously enough for you to search up rituals and ways of transforming into a vampire to the point that you actually ended up turning into one and had to go through tremendous pain in the transforming process while the only other person who knows who your condition is your closest friend whose name happens to start with J.

It was Jade. It is Jade. Jade's the only other person who knows. And to think, that all those years, Euclase's parents never found out oh wait they're dead. Shit.

But anyways! How did Euclase's vampirism not screw them over, like, years ago, you wonder?

Ahh, well, you see. Vampires' natural enemy is the sun. The sun burns them apparently, and who the hell knows how that even happens, nothing scientific could explain that and nothing scientific could even explain the whole Euclase-turning-into-a-vampire thing in the first place so it was kind of the wrong way of questioning it but let's just. Move on. Yeah, let's.

Where were we? Oh, the sun.

Euclase's old town does not have the sun, as sad as that is, not even during summer! So Euclase could walk around in the day and night and every time in between with zero consequence. No burning, no passerby screaming at a local vampire taking a casual stroll, no anything!

They didn't even need to eat, or sleep, or anything that human beings had to do to keep on living because they're technically already dead! Sure, Euclase didn't get the cool vampire powers but they were content with what they had, just that...

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