chapter 3: processing

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Scar- "and..... what does that meannn, exactlyyyyy...." Scar gestured for Grian to explain.

Grian hesitated for awhile.....


Grian looked around. The forest might have been dense, but other people did live by, and he did not want them to overhear what he was about to say.

Grian- "...Maybe we should go inside for this....." he looked over to the hobbit hole and then back to Scar.

Scar glanced at the forest, looked back to Grian and nodded.

The two walked into the hobbit hole making sure the door was closed behind them and sat down in Grian's living room (yes I did change some parts of the bases to be ACTUALLY livable).

Grian- "as you may know Scar, I am a species that is considered a myth. That myth is called Revival bird..."

Scar sat on Grian's couch patiently waiting for Grian's next words.

Grian- "to give it to you straight... Scar I'm dead"

Scar- "oh....oooooohhhhhh heh heheheh good joke but that's not going to get me heheh"

Grian- "Scar I'm serious" Scar's smile dropped.

Scar- "i- It was a possibility. I just hoped it wasn't true" Scar avoided eye contact.

Scar- "who resurrected you.... a-And what kind of magic did they use?"

Grian- "...... someone who didn't want me to die just yet" looking down to see his hands gently folded in his lap.

Scar- "what kind of magic though. Like: enchanted items, spell, curse or some other ancient technique?" Grian just shrugged.

Grian- "..."

Scar- "..."

Grian looked over his shoulder to look out the window that was there. The jungle looked peaceful.

Regret seeps into Grian's mind. Did he do the right thing to tell Scar he was Revived.

Scar- "so if the book was wrong then tell me something true" Grian snapped out of his thoughts, looking back he saw Scar playing with a small orb of magic in his hand.

The small purplish orb softly glowed as it was swirling through Scar's fingers. With a flick of Scar's wrist it faded in to nonexistence.

Grian- "did you seriously just summon an orb to play with it?" Scar blushed a tad bit.

Scar- "n-No" Grian couldn't help but chuckle.

Grian- "....well it's not technically wrong it just doesn't tell you useful things..." Grian thought for a bit.

Grian- "can I take my shirt off?" Grian realize that was weird just as he said that.

Scar- "what??? *under his breath* b-b-b-but that's my thing" Scar looked at Grian like he had just said something confusing, but also scary....

like murder scary

Grian- "n-NOT LIKE THAT..... I ment its more easier to just show you" 'more sus Scar looks'.

Grian- "I more of ‐frustrated Grian noises- oh forget it-" Grian pulled of his sweater. don't worry he had a tank-top underneath it.

Scar- "Grian put your clothes back on!!! :]" this earned a laugh from Grian. Scar joining in a little while later.

Grian- "how long were you waiting to say that"

Scar- "to long Grian wayyyy to long"

Grian did not put his shirt back on

《Ams so sorry!! I was gone for a week and when I came back didn't have enough energy to write or draw.... BUT!! I did a good and planned for future stuffs!!! I'll get a drawing of Revival!Grian done soon hopefully.

-Wolf :]

Do you think Grian is the only person on hermitcraft that hides their species?


Resurfacing Revival (Hermitcraft AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat