When You're Best Friend Moans Your Name (Jirosé)

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Rosé POV

I just finished packing my bag because the girls and I are having a girls night at Jennie unnie house with no boys allowed and I quickly put my pajamas on.

I look at myself in the mirror loving my cute pajamas and I grabbed my bag and put it on my back and went downstairs and saw my parents watching TV and my dad saw and asked

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I look at myself in the mirror loving my cute pajamas and I grabbed my bag and put it on my back and went downstairs and saw my parents watching TV and my dad saw and asked.

"Where are you going in that outfit?" My dad asked.

"I already told you Jennie unnie is have a girls night" I said.

"I know but couldn't you change into your pajamas at Jennie's house" my dad said and then I heard my older brother Chanyeol said.

"Don't worry dad I'm dropping her off at Jennie's" Chanyeol oppa said.

"Fine since your brother is dropping you off" my Dad said and I quickly went to my parents and kissed them and then looked at Chanyeol and said.

"Let's go I don't want to be late" I said and Chanyeol oppa just chuckled and we left the house and went to his car.

We were driving to Jennie's house, when I looked at Chanyeol oppa and asked.

"Are you going to Wendy unnie house?" I asked.

"That's none of your business" Chanyeol oppa said.

"Come on oppa tell me" I said.

"Then I'm telling dad that you scratch his car" I said and Chanyeol oppa looked at me and I smirk.

"Fine yes after I drop you at Jennie's I'm going to Wendy's place" Chanyeol oppa said.

"Was it that hard to tell me" I said and Chanyeol oppa just rolled his eyes at me.

We finally arrived at Jennie unnie house and I grabbed my bag and looked at Chanyeol oppa and said.

"Have fun Wendy unnie" I said and Chanyeol oppa smirk and said.

"Oh I will" Chanyeol oppa said smirking and I rolled my eyes and closed his car door and ran towards Jennie unnie house before anyone sees me in my pajamas and knocked on the door and the door open revealing Jennie unnie.

Jennie unnie let me in and I saw the girls had drinks in their hands dancing to the music and they all saw me and Lisa ran towards me and said.

"You finally arrived" Lisa said and I nodded and then Jennie said.

"Rosé you room is opposite mine so you can put your bag in that room" Jennie said and I nodded and went upstairs to the room and placed my bag on the bed and went back downstairs to join the fun.

As soon as I reached back downstairs Lisa grabbed my hand and gave me a shot glass and I looked at her and asked.

"What's this?" I asked and Lisa just chuckle and said.

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