Chapter 8: Broken Bones

Start from the beginning

"Those are easy enough, we can get them in the student store-cupboard." I said.

"Yeah, though we'll also need powdered horn of a bicorn, shredded skin of a boomslang, and a bit of whoever we're changing into." Hermione finished reading.

"Excuse me?" Ron said sharply.

"You're excused, bye." I joked. Ron shook his head.

"No, what do you mean, a bit of whoever we're turning into? I'm not drinking anything with Crabbe's toenails in it." Ron said.

"Don't worry, we can safely use hairs." I explained. "And once we have the ingredients, making the potion won't be a problem."

"How do you know that?" Hermione asked.

"And why does it sound like you've done this before?" Ron asked.

"Because I have, just not this potion." I said. "I've made plenty of potions with Mum at home. It's one of our favorite activities to do together. She's a potion master." I explained.

"But we're going to have to steal some of this stuff. What are we going to break into Snape's stores?" Ron asked.

"Well, we don't really have a choice, unless you're backing out?" I questioned.

"Ughh fine." Ron groaned.

"How long will it take to make anyway?" Harry asked.

"Well, since the fluxweed has got to be picked at the full moon and the lacewings have got to be stewed for twenty-one days...I'd say it'd be ready in about a month, if we can get all the ingredients." Hermione said.

"A month?" Ron questioned. "Malfoy could have attacked half the Muggle-borns in the school by then! But like Raven said, we don't really have a better plan."

The next day, the Quidditch match for Gryffindor versus Slytherin began. I was in the stands with Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid as Harry soared through the field to find the snitch. Draco would follow him and keep up due to his faster broom. Speaking of the faster brooms the Slytherin team had. It was their advantage as they were ahead in the game.

One of the bludgers was on Harry constantly. "That's tampered with that is!" Hagrid shouted. Fred and George kept hitting it to get it off of Harry, but it kept shooting itself back towards him.

"I'll stop it." Ron said pointing his broken wand out.

"No!" Hermione protested pulling his arm down. "Even with a proper wand it's risky. You could hit Harry."

"Gotta agree with Hermione. It's too risky." I said.

Harry told Fred and George something and they seemed to let Harry deal with the Bludger on his own as they went to focus on the other members. Harry seemed to have spotted the snitch as he shot towards something. Draco soon followed after him, with the rogue Bludger still chasing. They dove under the scaffolding between the stands and field. We couldn't see anything clearly, but after a while we saw Draco being launched into the air off his broom and fell onto the ground. It looked like it hurt but I snickered a little.

Harry soon came out after, still close by the snitch. He had his arm stretched out trying to grab it. Next thing I saw was the rogue Bludger slam into his arm. His glove flew off, and her barely held onto his broom. His arm was likely broken. He didn't give up though. He continued chasing after the snitch. I saw him grab the air, slip upside down on his broom, and slide on the ground. He had caught the snitch.

Hermione, Ron, and I quickly made our way down to the field. The rogue Bludger came slamming down, almost crushing his face. Luckily he moved just in time. "Finite Incantatem!" Hermione cast, causing the Bludger to explode. "Harry are you alright?" She asked as we kneeled down to him.

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