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As I walked through the halls of my old school, I felt a sense of nostalgia. Seeing all the displays and posters that had been here while I went to school made me think back. I know everyone says they hate school but once you're gone you realise it wasn't actually that bad.
I sat down next to my parents, looking around the hall. It was filled with people, all looking expectantly at the stage.
The lights dim slightly and a group of teenagers run onto the stage, as a song starts playing.

I see my sister on the stage, a black dress on. They do some pirouettes and jumps, and I have to admit it's pretty good for a year 11 dance group. The show goes on for about an hour and a half, and by this point I'm bored. I check my phone quickly but as I'm about to put it down a red screen appears. I see multiple peoples screens light up with the same thing on mine, and murmurs fill the hall.
Stay at home and indoors.
A swarm of Infected patients have broken out and WILL infect you.
Do not leave your houses.

What the fuck??
My dad looks over at my mum and I and we all shared a concerned glance.
People hurried to stand up and suddenly everyone is talking. The music stops and lights cut out.
"I don't know what's going on but we need to go and get your sister and go." My dad says, grabbing my mums hand, "keep with us." He directs that at me and we start weaving in and out of confused and scared people.

We find my sister behind the stage and she runs up to us.
"Whats going on??" She asks, panic in her voice.
"We're not sure honey but we need to go." My mum says, as she grabs my sister, Averys, hand.

My dad leads us through the school, people are shouting now, trying to find their families.
We get to the stair case and he shoves the door open quickly and we file through the door. Uneven footsteps echo through the stairway and my dads phone light illuminates the stairs.
I stare intensely at the stairs, but it goes black when my dad shines the light towards us, "come on, we need to go."

He puts his light back on the stairs, and my sister screams. There's a person. Except it isn't a person, they look different. Their eyes are glossed over and they're stumbling, up the stairs straight towards us.
"Turn the fuck back around." My dad says with urgency in his voice and we all clumsily sprint as fast as we can back through the door and down the corridor.
"What the fuck was that!?" My mum shouts as we run to the other stairwell, and bolt down it.

We get to the bottom of the stairs and lockers have been shoved over and there are people on the floor. The people on the floor are twitching and some of them are even having seizure like movements.
I'm really scared.
We quickly step over everything And everyone and turn the corner. At the end of the corridor i see the emergency school shooter barriers start to lower over the exit door.
"Run!" I shout, starting the sprint.
My sister ducks under the barrier first and then my mum, "come on quick!" She shouts from the other side. The barrier is basically a thick slab of metal, designed for keeping people out. We never had to use it so this is the first time I'm seeing it.
My dad and I start to go underneath but I stop when I hear him shout.
I turn to look and I see a hand grabbing his leg, he kicks and tugs his leg but it doesn't let go.
Without thinking I push myself back with my hands and get up, stamping on the arm holding onto my dad. It lets go for a second, giving my dad a chance to move, and I'm able to get back down. The barrier is so low now and my dad barely makes it through. He's just about to grab my hand and pull me when I'm pulled the other way by something. I scream and I can hear my dad and family shouting for me. I kick my foot and roll over, it's one of them.
I struggle and I can tell I'm loosing strength, but luckily, my hand finds my phone in my pocket and I throw it with all my force at its face. It looks almost taken aback and it causes it to let go of my leg. I get up, grabbing my phone, "I'm okay, Just go I'll get to the house somehow I promise I love you" I shout, through the metal before bolting down the hall.

Tears stream down my face as I run and I have absolutely no clue where to go. I just run.
At this point I'm sobbing and I physically can't run anymore. I lean my head back against the locker and close my eyes. If one of those things were to get me right now I don't think I'd care, im stuck in a school, without my family, and there are weird zombie things everywhere.

"Sadie?" I open my eyes, barely able to see through the tears. Stood in front of me was a girl, my age, brown hair, and a bit taller than me. God, I'd recognise her anywhere.

Zombie apocalypse (GxG)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant