Part 8 the end

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~10 minutes later at the beach~

"What's so urgent for you to wake all of us up Tigris?" Thomas asked.

I sighed and said, "Well, there's no easy way to say this but Newt we had an older brother, Liam. He told me well threatened me to not tell you. He's insane to the point of ripping my wings out. I used a spell to rip out his heart which killed him instantly. Then I just found out that someone with brown horns and wings tried to take Robert. He is from the same species as me and mom. The name of the man is Conall. I have a feeling that he might be back with more of his people."

"Wait, wait, wait, we have an insane older brother? And you knew about him," Newt asked.

"Yes, you were 1½, he was only 15 at the time making me 4 years old when he left. It was too dangerous for you to know about his existence as he would have killed you. I know you have the strength to fight but he's stronger than you think. His strength is matched to mine so you would have been dead instantly," I replied.

"You don't have to protect me all the time Tigris," Newt started to yell at me, making me flinch.

"I know Newt, I'm trying my hardest not to trust me. I am," I said in a calm voice on the verge of tears.

"Maybe you're not trying hard enough as you seem to be overbearing," Newt yelled louder than he ever has.

"Maybe I'm being overbearing because I lost you once and don't want to lose you again. Or maybe because you're my last ever blood-related family I have," I yelled back with tears streaming down my face leaving everyone shocked at what I just said. Mom and dad came up hearing the whole thing. I didn't see or hear them walking up, "You don't know what it's like seeing your family falling apart in front of you for years on end. And I feel like I'm the glue of the family. I did more work than you think. I kept dad from drowning himself in alcohol when mom died. Who do you think protected you and dad from the abuse of grandad on dad's side of the family?" I paused, letting him think, "Me... Me!! I did, I protected you guys as much as I could. That's why I was always cleaning his house. Because if I didn't you would be traumatized more than you think."

"Tigris...?" Newt said as his face softened.

"It was hard to see that if I wasn't there, our family could be way more broken. And that's not even half of it." I said, "Alby has heard all of this as he went through the same thing in his family. Why did you think he was at our home so often."

"Tiger cub, I didn't know that grandad did that to you," dad said as I turned to him.

"Of course, you didn't, that's why I had so many bruises on me. You were even blind to not see through my lies," I replied, fully crying now.

"Mommy, you don't have to worry anymore about those bad people. And you have us now let us take care of you," Willow said, hugging me the best she could. I slightly laughed then went down to her height and hugged her. Well, the best I could with Robert on me.

"We need to find a way to protect this camp. Or there will be problems all over," Gally said.

"I agree with Gally but it's up to Tigris and Alby as they are the leaders," Fey commented.

"I might know where we can go." I said and looked at Alby and he nodded, "The fountain of youth."

"We can't, not with whoever is on our tales." Fey said, "And we even don't remember the way back."

"That's where you're wrong, Fey," I stated.

"Me and Tigris know where it is." Alby continued for me, "Once there whatever powers you have. They became stronger than they are now." I heard a noise come from the North. So I turned and grabbed the arrow before it hit my face. Everyone started to panic a little, I handed Alby Robert.

"Everyone go to my house and stay there until I come back. Willow, take care of your baby brother for me okay?" she nodded and left with everyone else, "Come on out whoever you are," I ordered and a bunch of people with horns and wings came out. Then Conall came out being dramatic as my face slightly twitched.

"This one is the one who shot me before I could get to the baby," Conall said pointing a finger at me. I let out a low growl showing my teeth at everyone.

"You mean the one that you tried to steal from me and his family?" I said.

"I was not stelling him and he is dangerous to everyone and needs to be killed," Conall shouted at me.

"That's murder, the only thing that you care about is not having the species die. And I'll have you know that all of you who try to touch my baby boy will never be happy again." I yelled loud enough that they could hear, "I am Tigris Taylor, the daughter of Maleficent, leader of the guardians, and Mother Nature herself." My eyes turned yellow indicating my tiger. A greenish-yellow surrounded me brightening the anger I got. I saw fear in all their eyes except for Conall's. What I saw were anger and sadness.

"Conall, she has every right to be mad at us more so you. You made the mistake of trying to take her kid. She's doing what she can to protect her family," said a female that looked like mother. I tilted my head to the side in confusion at what I'm seeing, "I'm sorry for what my husband has done to your family. I'm Leia Maleficent's sister, your auntie."

"I didn't know my mother had a sister. I'm sure she had her reason for not telling me or my brothers," I said as Leia shook her head.

"Classic Maleficent, but we did have some family problems. So that may be why she didn't tell you. Wait, I was told that you had wings by your mother. Where are they?" Leia asked.

"Well, I had this insane brother and he ripped them off of me. Let's just say it didn't end well for him," I said with a nervous laugh.

"What happened to him?" Conall wanted to know what really happened to Liam.

"I used a spell to remove his heart, instantly killing him," I said kind of fast.

"It's obvious that you have fast reflexes. What I know is that you're half of one of us. But what's the other half?" Leia asked.

"Weretiger, which comes from my dad. That's why my K-9s are bigger than average. I might as well go tell my family that everything is safe now," I said.

"Wait, you mean that there are more of you?" Leia asked.

"Yes. There's Newt, my younger brother, Fey his wife, and Prezioso their child. Then there's Alby, my husband, Chuck, Willow, and Robert are my children. Then there's Minho, Gally, and Thomas, the boys that are from the maze," I went off on all who are under my care.

"Wow your group is almost as big as what is left of us," Conall said. I nodded and whistled a small tune to let everyone know that it was okay to come back.

As the years passed the gladers became guardians and have kids. I got to know Leia and the origin of her and mother. Even meeting my cousins from mom's side and helped me get my wings back. Alby finds out that his family is alive and well. Even finding out that he's now a big brother to a twin brother and sister. Fey and Newt have 22 kids now and grandparents. Chuck married the love of his life and had 2 kids with 1 on the way. Willow is the best fighter there is and has a family. Robert has his own bakery and also has a family. We all are alive and well, and this is my Family and I's happily ever after.

The End

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