Love the heart...

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Hey guys,  I had written this chapter and saved it in my drafts. It was incomplete and I had the sudden urge to finish it. So here's the end product .Happy reading and my apologies for any grammatical mistakes.

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~During the Siege~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wei Ying was now standing on the cliff, only one stride away from freedom. He was tired with his life, exhausted even. He wondered why he had never thought of doing this earlier before and, the answer came as soon as the question was asked. Not in form of words but in the form of memories. Memories of his loved ones. Those who stood by his side.Those that were always ready to give a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. 

How cruel fate was, to build up his happy little family just so it could tear it apart, slowly and painfully. Of what hideous crimes had he committed to deserve such a cruel fate. What forbidden information did he seek out to be tossed and thrown away like this? Nothing he did nothing. If there was a crime he would be accused of, it would be giving too much love. 

He must have been going crazy! He thought as he let out a hardly audible, dry, bitter-sweet laugh. How foolish he must have been to give endlessly while expecting the same to be done for him.

 Love? Does such a thing exist? What in the world is love anyway? He wondered as he let a bitter tear fall from the tear ducts of his eyes. 

To be honest, he didn't care anymore. Nothing else mattered to him, at least not anymore...All he ever did to the people he 'loved' was harm them. 'No wonder I got such a cruel fate...' He deserved it. All this and more. If anything fate was only being lenient. How could he think of blaming anyone else?" I truly am selfish and heartless, huh?" he merely whispered under his breath.

Just how despicable was he? Wasn't he the reason Jiang Cheng's parents were dead? The very same parents who took him in and raised him as one of their own. Even going as far as to give him a high position in their sect? 

And how did he repay their vast kindness? By breaking their family apart. Even going as far as to cause their deaths. At this very moment, he realized that Jiang Cheng had every reason to blame him. And his Shijie. He truly was a stone-hearted monster, wasn't he? His Shijie, took him under her wing and treated him as her very own. She showed him nothing but utter love, tolerance for his mischief and support whenever he needed it. The thought of how he repaid her made him feel like throwing his stomach up. 

He killed his Shijie's husband and worst of all...rendered his Shijie's son fatherless. His mind then drifted off to the very reason he decided to relieve himself from the never-ending pains of this world... 

"This world can hurt you, it cuts you deep and leaves a scar. Things fall apart but nothing breaks like a heart..." He sang those pained lyrics with bitter tears streaming down his face as he took a step back. Yearning and begging to end his suffering. To end this never-ceasing pain in his chest every time he thinks of all those that he once called his beloved.

Just when he was about to take the next step that would grant him freedom and break lose the heavy chains of life that tied him down. He heard a vaguely familiar voice. The voice itself was deep but also smooth and moving. His brain struggled to comprehend where he had heard that angelic voice from before but all his efforts proved fruitless as the end result was him cursing his shitty memory. With his memory having failed him, his last resolve was to at least take a  quick glance at the owner of the voice which could shake the heavens and rise up hell.

No, it couldn't be true...It was Lan Zhan! With that memories of him and his beloved rushed into his brain making him stumble back. Just when he lost his balance and started to fall backward, Lan Zhan, with no hesitation or care for those who could be watching leaped forward and caught his life right before he fell to his probable death.

As if fate couldn't get any crueler, it just so happened that one particular Lan disciple( IDK if he had left the sect. it's been a long time since I re-watched the donghua, {partly because I'm too scared to:... }so I'm not sure whether to put him as a Lan disciple or not...)

As a result of envy and spite for the Great Hanguang-Jun, this specific Lan disciple decided to report this. With newfound motivation, the irrelevant Lan disciple rushed to the old goat's side to inform him of his discovery.

When the old Grandmaster of the Lan Clan heard these words he questioned whether they were true, the filthy Lan disciple then pointed towards the cliff. The old goat gasped and began to cough up heaps of blood. His second nephew, whom he held so much pride in was befriending the' devil'? Lan Qiren's brain was now having trouble processing the scene playing out before him. As if saving Wei Wuxian wasn't bad enough, his nephew then proceeded to... The old goat couldn't handle it and neither could his blood supply. He then passed out in his first nephew's arms.

As soon as Lan Xi Chen caught his uncle he started wondering what it was that made his old uncle faint. It didn't take more than a minute for him to come out triumphant with a reason...

And his theory was confirmed when he gazed at the cliff. As much as he knew his didi and was practically the only one who could decipher him, the scene before him also took him by surprise...


Hey guys! I'm really sorry for the shitty ending but I was tired and my brain was failing me. I'll make a part two if you are interested though! Try and guess what it is that Great Hanguang-Jun did to make the ancient goat come face-to-face with Qi deviation.

(1087 words, that's the longest I've written so far! )

Hope you enjoyed it, if you have any suggestions on what I should do, please comment them in the comment section or you can send me a message.

Bye lovelies and have a wonderful day or night wherever you are!

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