What If? Part 3

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After the announcement was made, disciples and sect-heirs alike went about their own business with most of them retiring to their rooms whilst others went to explore Ciayi town. {I forgot the spelling:)}

The new, young couple decided to explore town later in the day, though the decision was primarily unilateral. In the meantime, they remained in the Jingshi, doing whatever fits them whilst they enjoyed each other's presence.

That is until one angry purple grape decided to disrupt the serene environment.

Jiang Cheng was beyond furious. What right did Wei Ying think he had to worry him like that? The ever-angry sect heir had a million questions and not enough answers for his shixiong.

As he wandered around Cloud Recess wondering where his elder brother was. He coincidentally bumped into Nie Huaisang. ( I used the word 'elder' instead of 'older' because I think they possess the relationship of two maternal brothers even though they're not blood-related. So please don't come after me.)

"Good morning Jiang-Xiong," a familiar faint voice greeted as he studied the man in purple robes' face. His mind immediately started processing his facial expression before concluding what the purple grape was looking for.

" Wait isn't it like noon?" Jiang Cheng threw back.

"Oh, pardon my lack of sense of time Jiang-Xiong. I reckon you're looking for Wei-Xiong?" The short sect-heir uttered, half asking and half implying.

The taller man's reaction said it all for the questionably well-informed sect heir ." I think it's safe for me to assume that I'm right and that you are looking for Young master Wei" he started as he raised his favorite fan up to cover the triumphant smile that spread on his face," I'm not quite sure about where he could be but, I highly suspect that he's with Second young master Lan," he said lowering his voice as he said that last part.

At the mention of the Second young master Lan, Jiang Cheng's eyes shot open in disbelief at the words that came from the shorter sect heir. He opened his mouth intending to condemn him for raising such an absurd suspicion but before he could lash out at the other, the image of his shixiong and Second young master Lan crossed his mind. His mouth abruptly closed as his brain betrayed him and played one or two many memories of his childish brother and the stoic Young master Lan walking side by side as his brother spoke whatever thought crossed his mind. He started to question how the Second Twin Jade of Gusu managed to survive his brother's endless ranting without his ears ever bleeding or falling off.

Jiang cheng's thoughtful expression gave Huaisang all the confidence he needed to resume his scheming.

As if the heavens could hear his thoughts and suspicions, Jiang Cheng heard a distant voice shout his name. As soon as the voice was registered in his already overworked brain, his expression took a drastic turn. It went from deep in thought to his signature angry expression. He turned his neck to locate the familiar voice-only to be met by an odd scene.

His brother had his arm wrapped around the Second Twin Jade's hand. No, that wasn't the fact that made this scene look so ominous. After two or more questionable glances were thrown at the couple, he concluded the issue with the sight before him. It wasn't the fact that his idiotic brother had his arm wrapped around the one in white but rather the fact that THE Lan Wangji seemed okay with this action. Wait, was that satisfaction on his usual emotion-deprived face! Maybe it was finally his turn to be the one coughing up blood.

"ChengCheng were you missing me?" Wei Ying asked teasingly as he giggled innocently.

"No. In fact, the atmosphere was quite peaceful and very much tranquil without you, thank you very much," he deadpanned the one in red and black robes in his usual tone, though there was an almost unnoticeable sense of relief laced in his tone.

"Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng is bullying me," he whined to the other faking a hurt expression as he dramatically held his forehead further exaggerating his imaginary sorrow.

"Wei Ying," the one in white scolded, immediately ending the scene Wei Ying was creating.

"Fine, Lan Zhan. Hmph," he proceeded to pout. Lan Zhan chuckled, in his head of course, at the cuteness of his childish lover. Subconsciously, the older one's hand snaked its way to the younger one's, giving the smaller arm a gentle squeeze. He did so discreetly by hiding the contact behind his white sleeves. He suppressed the small smile that attempted to form on his cherry-red lips as he thought of how the one in red had made fun of his sect's robes by addressing them as mourning clothes.

Wei Ying almost gasped as he felt a familiar warmth engulf his hand followed by a gentle squeeze. Due to instincts, his head shot up to face the owner of the familiar warmth. His eyes shot up as his already fragile brain attempted to process the information his eyes were generously supplying. Though not evident nor clear as clear the mid-day sky, there was but a small smile sitting on the taller one's beautiful face. Wei Ying felt as though someone had knocked him off his feet as he felt the air leave his lungs. Though small, that smile made Wei Ying undeniably greedy for more. He felt like kissing the man beside him till he could do so no more.

Just as the sun lit up the night sky and erased all traces of its existence, that small smile erased his pout, quickly replacing it with a shy smile that was accompanied by a light pink hue that coated his cheeks. Lan Zhan, upon seeing this, gave Wei Ying a triumphant look, only he could make this lovely man blush to such an extent.

In the midst of all this, there were two befuddled figures staring in utter confusion at the surreal interaction between the two who were assumed to be enemies relating as if they were a married couple. Nie Huaisang almost fainted.

Needless to say, the purple grape was speechless, did his elder brother just blush in front of the Second Young Master Lan, and what, his name being called by that ice block? And when did these two become so close? He wanted to pass out right then and there as he felt reality as he knew it come crashing down on him.

Hello, my dears

I highly apologize for the long wait you had to endure and I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. As requested byCoolCatGamerGirl I posted what If Part 3 first rather than Love The Heart. Forgive me for the shitty ending.(1143 words)!

As always, have a splendid day or night wherever you are! Love you!

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