Chapter 7. Training fight.

Start from the beginning

"Training gets sweaty, Affogato. You might as well wear extra small shorts. It really shows those muscles." Crunchy Chip licked his finger, then put it on his thigh, making a sizzling sound when it touched.

"Really shows of the fact that you're a thot." He barked back before going into the changing room, shutting the door behind him so he wouldn't have to hear any other foul nonsense from his mouth.

Affogato dumped his clothes on the bench and sat down next to them. Training. It was important he'd do training at least twice a week. It was a demand from Dark Cacao as he lived in his home, technically.

Still, Affogato always hated it. Hated getting changed in the public changing room, that is. Always smelling like mouldy sweat with the side of someone deodorant spray which didn't work as well as it should of. They seemed to spray everywhere but that Cookie's armpits.

Affogato sighed as he ripped off his heeled boots and thrown his accessories on the bench, now left in his dress to remove.

He'd scan around the room before untying the bow on the side, unzipped the back zip, and took it off. Putting it carefully on the bench, unlike everything else he removed.

He slid on his shorts. Average length, unlike Crunchy Chip's, and put on his short sleeve shirt.

He stared at the mirror across him, an arm scar still resting itself against him. It was a scar less noticeable on his dough. It was only a few shades lighter than it. Only able to be seen in some light angles.

Affogato put on his boots and then stood up, neatening his clothes before heading to the door, only for it to swipe open before him.

A guard held eye contact with him in his own training gear. Affogato had no records of him being in the training room when he entered.

The guard nodded before barging his way through, a bag over his back, its dark armour clanking together.

Affogato watched him settle before exiting the room, stepping foot into the sweat creator itself.

The sunny training room. A death trap for heatstroke.

Affogato sighed before going up to a punching bag, preparing himself to go fully at it.

A bang from weights hitting the ground came from his left. It was Crunchy Chip. He was bench pressing. Showing off his strength to Affogato.

Affogato groaned before throwing a fierce punch at the punching bag, causing it to bounce back before swinging forward again, earning itself a harsh smack. Then a kick, then another punch.

It was a back and forth game of punching the bag. It was really the only work out Affogato would do. He never liked gaining muscle but instead preferred fighting. He always considered it far superior.

Affogato stopped for a moment to take a drink from a water fountain in the room, his hair sticking to the back of his neck as sweat made a river down his back.

Through the mirror, Affogato saw the doors open and Dark Cacao walk in, Caramel Arrow close behind.

He watched intently as they went to their separate changing rooms. He stood up straight and wiped his mouth, taking a deep breath before going back towards the punching bag. This time, pretending it was another cookie.

Giving it one harsh kick, it toppled over. Making a harsh bang as it fell. Affogato jumped and attempted to stop it before it fell, but all attempts were too late.

He stared at it on the floor as the changing room doors opened. He froze, his breath quickened as he heard heavy feet fall go up behind him.

"What did you do, my dear Affogato?" A deep voice asked, resting a hand on his shoulders.

Re-earning His Trust Once More. /\ Dark Cacao X Affogato (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now