➳ 22: the reckoning

Start from the beginning

Valentina stood in place with a thoughtful expression. "If I'm being honest, I don't know. I wasn't close to her outside of Stefan or Damon." She pulled her phone out to check the date and tilted her head from side to side. "She could be anywhere. Probably my house. We could look there or the school. Has that started yet?"

"Let's get started then." He suggested, pulling her alongside him as he sped to Mystic Falls High School. He pushed open the front doors so they could enter the dark, empty hallway. "Any chance of letting Stefan free is gone now."

"Yeah. I assumed. Are you gonna kill him?" She asked nervously, her green eyes practically pleading with him not to.

"No. No." He assured her honestly with a shake of his head. "I'm going to make him suffer for his disloyalty. Think about it this way, Valentine. If he's searching for Mikael, he's putting you at risk. We can't have that."

A set of blue double doors pushed open a few feet from them and Elena came strolling through without checking her surroundings. She rounded the corner, coming face to face with Klaus, and gasped loudly in horror.

"There's my girl." The hybrid mused slowly, blocking her path to the right side of the hall.

"Klaus." She breathed out shakenly then turned around to find Valentina standing behind, preventing her from running away in the opposite direction. "Val?"

Valentina crossed her arms over her chest and glanced down at her shoes for a second then back up at her with an apologetic look. "Sorry, Elena."

"You're supposed to be dead." Klaus snarled furiously as he gripped Elena's arm and spun her around to face him. "What are we going to do about that?" He rhetorically questioned before dragging her down the hall at an urgent pace. "You've put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing."

"If you're gonna kill me, just do it!" Elena encouraged as she struggled against his grip. She glanced over her shoulder to give Valentina a pleading look but the middle Salvatore just followed behind without a single word, keeping her head down.

"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." Klaus growled through gritted teeth and used his back to open the gymnasium doors. "Find my werewolf please, darling." He smirked at Valentina, pulling Elena inside with him and closing the door.

Blowing air from her cheeks, Valentina nodded to herself then turned around and walked off in the direction where Elena originally came from.

Rebekah walked toward Tyler and Caroline, who were making out in the hallway by the water fountain. "You two are adorable."

Tyler pulled away from Caroline, their moment broken, and looked at her in confusion. "Uh, do we know you?" Caroline questioned snarkily.

"You're Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes you Tyler. The werewolf." Rebekah deduced bluntly.

"And who are you?" Caroline asked defensively and moved to put herself between Rebekah and Tyler.

"I'm the new girl." Rebekah smiled for a moment then bared her fangs at them.

"Caroline!" Tyler ran over to save the younger vampire just as Rebekah started to rush over to her too.

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