"It's alright. How's your leg doing?"

My leg. It wasn't good now that I ran on it to get here and out of the house away from my dad. It stung, I was leaning on my left leg a lot right now, not that she could see that because of the desk separating us.

"It's okay. Getting better, Doctor said a few more weeks of P.T and I can stop coming every week." I smiled at her as I brushed brown hair out of my face. Talking to her like I did most mornings at this point.

I was leaning on the counter now to relieve pressure on my leg, smiling as I tied a bit of my hair back into the small little bun it would make in the back.

"Good good. Well, you get to class now. Have a good day." She handed me a green slip with the date and signature, along with a note about being at therapy.

I waved to her as I walked out of the office and into the building. Hauling my backpack over my shoulder, shoving the green slip into my pocket as I blew more fluffy hair out of my face that would fall out of the small man-bun I had.

No one was in the halls, a few kids at a table or two every once and a while as I crossed the school to get to an English class. It was quiet and would be a nice walk if it wasn't for a small amount of adrenaline running up and down my body still.

A throb in my right leg shot up me everytime I stepped on it, my backpack felt heavy as ever. And I only noticed now how much my neck was burning from my dad this morning. I should have looked at it before heading to a class.

Only thing I could do now was try and cover it with my hoodie, not that anyone would take a whole lot of notice to it.

I didn't go into the English room when I got there. Instead, I leaned against the wall outside the room a few feet away from the door. Resting my leg a tad bit before I had to go in and talk to the teacher for what would feel like forever, having to stand on it for ever longer.

I felt like if I closed my eyes I would be able to fall asleep even standing upright. I had dropped my bag next to me as I leaned against the wall. Before I could start to relax, a door opened and a group of guys walked out, all glaring at me as they walked by.

One of them shoved their shoulder into me as they walked past me, shoving me into the wall even more as they strode themselves down the hall. I hissed as they chuckled under their breaths, muttering words under my own breath as I picked up my bag.

One of them had heard me mutter about them and came charging back at me full force. Sending me down to the ground roughly; I let out a yelp of some kind as my leg took my body's force of falling. I held onto it tightly as the guy stood over me.

"If you have something to say, say it punk." I only stared at him, the brute in front of me was nothing but a jock who thought he ran the world. It's a stereotype and it sure as hell is real here at this school, and I didn't want to dig myself into a larger hole. I stayed silent as his friends slowly came back around to me. "Not so talkative now, huh?"

"Don't you guys have something better to do?"

"Actually, we do. Why don't you come with punky." He reached down, pulling my hoodie that was still very much on my body to drag me. He pulled me up as I struggled to push his hands off of me and stagger backwards, having to catch myself as the four guys around us glared.

"D-Don't touch me."

"Then don't act like a little fucking punk." He shoved me again, a guy behind me grabbing my shoulders and holding me. "Maybe if you were worth something you wouldn't be in this trouble." Another shove. "Maybe, you should learn to stay out of our way in the hallways. Be a good fucking kid and stay out of our way instead of taking up the whole damn hallway." His foot stepped in between my legs. He was getting dangerously close to my right leg.

Until. We. Die. (BxB) Where stories live. Discover now