dream of night

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"Come to kill me, Herrscher?"

"Of course — you're interrupting my life with Beomgyu by causing unnecessary trouble." Taehyun levitated mid-air, staring down at the nurse a few metres away, standing on the large ice shard that had pierced through the buildings from before. Soobin stepped forward, a small smile on his lips as he neared the younger. "What happened, doc? A little angry?"

"You of all people should know about the eventually realisation that defending humans when they do nothing but hate us in return is a fruitless act," Soobin answered, eventually stopping. "You're done as well, aren't you?"

"For a while, I've had no hope for humanity."

"So why are you still with Anti-Entropy?"

"Because Beomgyu believes I'm a good person."

Soobin scoffed, slightly rolling his eyes. "Right. I'll believe that. We cleared up all the Sixth Herrscher's hatred that had latched onto your core. The fact that you're still like this means you have your own resentment to society."

"And I'm guessing that my hatred is affecting your core," Taehyun concluded with a smile. "It's a constant cycle of hatred and murder. My residual Herrscher energy wouldn't affect you if you didn't harbour a negative heart — Beomgyu isn't affected by me at all."

"Because he's stupid and doesn't understand that our worlds are divided for a reason," Soobin scoffed. "Schers and humans can't coexist. Humans will always live in fear, while Schers will always be hungry for more power. As a Herrscher, you have no need to consume souls. Even as a Pseudo, I have to consume."

"So that's what you plan on doing? Consuming souls?" Taehyun asked. "I can't let you do that. You've been doing such a good job at holding back all this time, too. I've been trusted with retrieving you so that things can get back to normal as soon as possible."

"I won't let you take me that easily."

"You already destroyed two buildings and killed a bunch of people," Taehyun said, glaring as he stepped forward on clear steps leading downwards. "For what?"

"Well, what's you purpose, Herrscher of the Star?"

Taehyun stopped, his eyes glossing over as they turned a golden tint. "To be the good guy for every side — even if it means hurting someone close to me."

He dashed forward to attack Soobin, but the older quickly formed an ice wall between them. Before he collided with the ice, Taehyun opened a portal just before him, opening another one behind Soobin. The other quickly jumped away, putting his hand down on the ice for a moment. It grew immediately, extending out towards Taehyun.

"What a nuisance...!" Taehyun hissed, forming subspace lances by hia side and attacking the other. The lances were made of pure Scher energy, so they pierced Soobin's body with no injury, but definitely damaged his output.

"Forgot you were a Herrscher for a moment," Soobin chuckled, holding his hand out in front of him. His eyes flashed blue and Taehyun widened his eyes, his heart rate suddenly slowing down. He quickly teleported away, standing on top of the building from before. "Immediate effect, huh?"

"What did you do to me?!" Taehyun yelled, stumbling ever so slightly.

"Today you'll die, Herrscher," Soobin said, forming ice and walking down it. "My physical ability may not be combat-worthy, but... I'm sure that I'm able to kill you. I've barely touched you, so you might die slower than the others."

"Bastard — I'm not dying today," Taehyun hissed. "You're nothing but a Pseudo. A weakling! If you fight further, I will kill you."

Soobin chuckled. "Then so be it. Kill me if you must. All I want is to send out a message. You know... Yeonjun was right. We're nothing but monsters. His death was completely unjustified. If I can simply be regulated, then so could he — right?"

"You know, if you're still angry about Yeonjun's death," Taehyun said, "I can gladly say that his death is... temporary. He's still in the Euthymian Plain and... we can revive him with the Mortality fragment inside him."

Soobin widened his eyes, his movements faltering. "H-he... he could be alive...?"

"Of course, everything is possible in the world with Herrschers in them," Taehyun answered. "So let's proceed without anyone else dying, okay? I'll... I'll bring him back for you."

Soobin held back a sob before he faltered. Taehyun had an unreadable expression, his face remaining rather neutral. Soobin broke down in tears, and for a moment, Taehyun felt bad. He contemplated bringing forth the Herrscher of the Star and ending the problem then and there, but before he could form the jagged star, Soobin looked up at him.

"All I ever wanted," Soobin muttered as ge stood up from the ice, "was for someone to love me. And... he did. I truly loved him. And you took him away."

"I can give him back."

Soobin choked out another sob, letting his tears fall before he sniffled and looked at the younger boy. "I'd rather die than let Aenix Labs treat me like some experiment. I hated seeing Yeonjun in that room. I can't end up in that situation either."

"Stop making this difficult."

"Stop trying to take me back there," Soobin snapped. "I'm not a human. I will never fit in. I tried so hard to... abide by their rules and regulations and just be as human as possible. But it never worked. Deep down, I was still a Scher. A bad guy to humans. And that's all I'll be — and soon enough, the message will spread."

Taehyun was quiet for a moment. "That humanity will soon be wiped out?"

"Of course," Soobin said with a nod. "The SCPU thinks they're making Herrschers to control Schers — all they're doing is making a race of Schers that will eventually destroy all of humanity because humans will always be below us."

"That much is true," Taehyun agreed with a slight smile, "but if you're going to be evil, what's your reasoning?"

"Well, why do you want to kill?"

"Because I want to become the Herrscher of The End and destroy everything myself," Taehyun answered firmly. "I'll leave an eternity for myself and Beomgyu alone. I don't need anyone else. I'll let you die in peace if you just surrender — or would you rather die with a fight?"

"Bring Yeonjun back first."

"Return to the SCPU first before I get in trouble for killing one of their doctors."

Soobin was quiet, walking down the ice and stepping onto the rooftop. "Fine. If you don't hold up your end of the deal, I'll kill Beomgyu."

"No chance."

"Tch — we'll see."

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