night light

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Beomgyu pushed past Soobin, running into the observation office straight to the glass between the office and the chamber. "Where is he? Taehyun?! Taehyun!"

"Relax, he has just awakened," Soobin said. "He's been transferred to a home chamber. He's going to be a little weak, as anyone that gets regulated, so he'll need to rest. We extracted the residual hateful Sixth Herrscher energy from his core and we'll use it to power the labs."

"Why… was he hateful?" Beomgyu asked carefully. "Taehyun isn't a resentful person. Why would the Sixth's energy latch onto his core?"

"He's different from what you think — you need to stop looking at Kang Taehyun through the eyes of a human," Soobin answered. "He's a Herrscher — a being with god-like power. He's the strongest force in the world right now. Controlling him is impossible, and having him on our side is a miracle. He's actually the most dangerous person in the world."

"Taehyun is not a bad person," Beomgyu said firmly. "The burden of being a Herrscher is great, isn't it?"

"Herrscher cores are extremely powerful — of course he'd want to abuse that power." Soobin's tone grew frustrated. "He's never going to truly be a good person. The thought of turning on humanity will always exist, because he has no reason to be this perfect Scher that will never hurt a human."

"He was once human."

"Well, now he's the most powerful being in the universe." Beomgyu feel silent, looking at the ground. "His soul is no longer human. He's going to turn on us, no matter how much we regulate him. The same happened with every Herrscher before him. The only reason Kim Sunwoo still alive is because he either settled down with his family or the weight of hurting someone he loved became overbearing. With you as a Scher, he'll have no reason to protect humanity."

Beomgyu felt tears prick at his eyes, dripping down his cheeks. "I'm still human…"

"Not with residual Herrscher energy mixed with your soul," Soobin said with a denying tone. "Yes, your soul is human and you don't have a core, but you contain Scher energy. The time of you being truly human is over. You're stronger than me. If I can't stop you — if Captain Minseon can't stop you — then humanity is screwed."

"I'm still human, and so is Taehyun!"

"You stopped being human the moment you died!" Soobin yelled. "Your soul diminished when your heart stopped. Yeonjun killed you, and you were revived with the energy of the Herrscher of Mortality. You're no longer human, Choi Beomgyu. You're a monster. A monster that will feed on humans to grow stronger."

Beomgyu glared at him with teary eyes. "I would never hurt humans."

"We all say that," Soobin scoffed. "Even humans hurt each other. Humans hurt humans, Schers hurt Schers, and Schers and humans hurt each other. Herrschers are above all, and are right on top. Taehyun will hurt you, and we don't know if he'll end up regretting it." Soobin stepped towards him, standing just in front of him. "How long are you willing to wait before Taehyun destroys humanity? We better keep him on our side for as long as possible or we'll all die."

Soobin picked up his clipboard and ID, turning to leave the office. Beomgyu remained silent, the incorrect thoughts circling his mind. He hated that he was no longer human. He hated that Taehyun was seen as a threat. He couldn't accept that the boy he once thought was so perfect could easily kill everyone.

But Taehyun wouldn't hurt anyone, right?


Beomgyu ran into the home chamber, Taehyun standing up from the bed he lied on quickly and jogging over to the taller boy. They hugged one another tightly and Taehyun locked his arms around Beomgyu's neck, holding him closely. Beomgyu sighed, placing a soft kiss on his head. "I'm here now. How are you? I heard they did something horrible to you."

"I'm fine now, what they did was necessary," Taehyun replied, pulling from the hug. "I was just… having weird thoughts. I was worried no one would see me as the good guy, and… I almost became the bad guy."

"They said it was residual energy from Choi Yeonjun's core, I think," Beomgyu hummed. "Did regulation hurt? What did they do?"

"They extracted the energy, that's all," Taehyun answered. "If they failed, I would've had to be neutralised, meaning they'd remove the core and ultimately kill me because the core powers my being — it's essentially my soul." He chuckled bitterly as he looked down. "Huh. Guess I'm a Herrscher through and through."

Beomgyu lifted his hand to Taehyun's cheek gently running his thumb across his skin. "You'll always be a good guy to me."

Taehyun looked up at him with big eyes and Beomgyu slowly leaned forward, their lips barely grazing before they heard a confused yelp at the entrance. Junseo stood at the door, his cheeks red as he avoided eye contact with the two. "U-uh… uhm… wh-what is going on h-here…?"

Beomgyu was about to release Taehyun's waist but the other put a hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer and pressing their lips together. Beomgyu was shocked, nervously gazing over at Junseo whom had quickly turned around. He kissed back, tilting his head and putting a hand to Taehyun's cheek.

"I-I'll just come back later!"

Taehyun laughed slightly as the door closed behind Junseo, leaving the two alone inside the chamber. "Finally, we're alone."

"He's probably traumatised," Beomgyu laughed, placing soft kisses every few seconds into his lips. He lingered a bit longer on an embrace, tilting his head slightly to match Taehyun's angle. "Why are you so pretty today? I could kiss you forever…"

"Then kiss me, you idiot."

Beomgyu grinned as Taehyun stepped backwards to the bed, tugging Beomgyu by the front of his school sweater. They met the bed and Beomgyu swopped so that he sat on the bed. Taehyun propped one knee on the bed beside Beomgyu and pressed their lips together once more, sharing the heat between them. It was the first time they were making out, and boy, did they enjoy it too much.

Taehyun released an indescribable noise and Beomgyu pulled away, confusion lacing his expression. "I think we should stop."

"Maybe," Taehyun said, pulling away from him. "I'm supposed to be resting, anyways. We can make out some other time."

Beomgyu hesitantly nodded and released Taehyun's waist from his grip, watching as Taehyun moved to lie down on the bed. "Hey… we should actually talk a bit more about what just happened today…"

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