Chapter 6

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After Meeting Shane,Cao Cao went straight to vali,Who was gaurding Baraqueil's house.

Meanwhile on his way,He got a call from Vansh.

"Hello,Vansh"Cao Cao asked

"Yeah its me,I got all the kids freed from valper"Vansh informed

"Thats good,What about Valper and hows isaiah doing"Cao cao asked

"Valper ran away while i was busy saving kids,And Who is isaiah anyway"Vansh said

"Isaiah?He is the blone kid with sacred gear"Cao cao informed

"He isn't here,What others told me,That he ran in other direction and when i searched for him,There was no one"Vansh informed

"So Rias saved him?Or Maybe Lucifer already had his eyes on isaiyah"Cao cao thaught to himself"There is no way,Rias will appear there out of no where"

"Sirjechs must have known about holy sword project and he only wanted isaiah,Thats just how devils are...Anyway i can just hope,Isaiah stays safe i guess"Cao cao thaught to himself

"Boss,Where are you"Vansh said and cao cao snapped out as he said"And what about other kids,What you do with them"

"Well after i save them,I had to tell them about supernatural world,Being an angel,They understood what i was saying and Most of them decided to go back to live normal,So i send them to azazel after clearing their memories,Just so they can focus on their live instead of supernaturals"Vansh informed

"Thats good,But Most of them?what about others"Cao cao asked

"Yeah two kids decided to stay after i told them about us and they wish to join,They both are natural holy sword weilders,So i contacted Father and gave them swords"Vansh said

"Then train them well,And also what sword you gave them anyway"Cao cao asked

"The boy named Alex weilds Sword of Rapidly and girl named Riely wields Sword of transperency,These were only swords i could get now,And two seems compatible with it"Vansh informed

"Thats good,Train them good and also teach them magic as well,And if you want help i can unlock their touki"Cao cao said

"Wait...You can unlock someones touki?I thaught it can only be achived by harsh training"Vansh asked

"There are three ways to unlock touki,First is senjutsu,which usually youkais uses,Second is by intense training but you touki will be about ten times stronger then others and Third method is getting it unlocked by a senjutsu master,Not many senjutsu master alive now,So this method is pretty much forgotten"Cao cao explained

Vansh was amazed as he said" are really amazing aren't you"

" bet"Cao cao replied instanly and they hung up.

And then Cao cao finally reached Baraqueil's house.

He saw baraqeuil was standing with Shuri while Vali was standing distant from them while looking at ground and many dead bodies were there.

"What the hell?Shuri is alive,Thats good,But why does vali look like that"Cao cao thaught to himself

As he jumped from nimbus and looked at baraqeuil and asked"What happened"

"We were attacked by assaisins but vali came and saved me"Shuri replied

"Isn't that a good thing..So why does he look sad?"Cao cao asked

"Its akeno"Baraqueil simply replied

"Akeno?Where is she?Don't tell me she-"Cao cao was cutted off by shuri"No she is alive"

"Then what happened"Cao cao asked

"She joined devils"Baraqueil replied

"Who was it?and why?And how she joined devil,Does devil forced her,Just tell me,My spear is itching for devils blood for quite some time now,How dare they took someone under my protection"Cao cao was angered now

Baraqueil placed his hand on his shoulder and said"Calm down..She joined devils on her will,So i respect her decision"

"She joined on her will,are you sure?Which devil was it"Cao cao asked

"Can it be rias?If it is then i will be sured that sirjechs had all of this under his eye and decided to take advantage of it"Cao cao thaught to himself

"It was red haired devil girl,Who seemed to be same age as akeno"Shuri informef

"Red hair?Gremory"Cao cao exclaimed

"Yes it was rias gremory"Baraqueil said

"So what now...Don't you want your daughter back"Cao cao asked

"I do but its her life,I heared their conversation,That gremory doesn't forced her she joined on her free will and i will surely talk to lucifer if anything"Baraqueil said

Cao cao turned to shuri and asked"What about you or you agree with him"

Shuri nodded"She is my daughter and if that her choice,Then i can't do anything"

Cao cao sighed in defeat and he asked"And i am sure vali blames himself for this as well right?"

"Yes,We tried to explain but he doesn't listen to us"Shuri replied

"I will talk to him myself,Well then i shall be going"With that cao cao walked towards vali

"Yo,Vali"Cao cao waved his hand at his student

"Cao-sensei,I failed on my first test,I was supposed to save them all,I was to be a hero,But i failed to save akeno"Vali said looking down in ground

Cao cao shook his head"Its not your fault,And You didn't failed"

"I failed"Vali kep saying

"Your mission was to not let shuir and akeno die,And they both are still alive,So you never failed,You saved them both and Akeno joined devil on her will,She wished it,We can't control someones life,They have full right to be what they want"Cao cao said placing his hand on his shoulder

Vali stood silent and Cao cao spoke up"Now stop cursing yourself and get up and lets go back,How can you be strongest white dragon if you keep crying like girls"

Vali gave him a glare"I never cried,Nor i will ever"

Cao cao said"Ok ok..Geez..Don't try to scare me,Now shall we go back,Hero"

Thats it for the chapter

Two new holy swords wielders and Kiba and Akeno joined devils.

Next part might be neko massacre

Thanks for reading

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