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My brother was frezzing and trying to take the jacket from me while I am a laughing mess. "My jacket." I scream throwing snow at him and acting like we are childing again when we hear music going and we walk over to see to skelton dancing off. The tall one went first. He bowed then started dancing.

I was shocked at how good the tall one was. He finished then the small on put his hood up and bowed smiling. I had to ammit the skeleton was hot.

I was shocked at how he did it but I could tell it wasn't his best.though the crowed around them where clapping and the two of them smiled.

Once everyone was gone my brother rolled his eyes. "I would do better." I laugh.

"What scared of a little coputision." I say and he glares.

"Of course not just my sister need to stop eyeing the computision." He said.

"Really says the one who's with a girl who was compution." I say and he looks down.

"Luna I ended it with her before chasing after you." I looked at him in shock.

"What." I say and he looks down.

"She told me it was her or you. She said if I go after you we where threw and I can't fix all your problems. So when we fell I blamed you and yes I want to go back but not for her cause I know she treated you bad." He said. I got angry.

"First off I don't care about the break up second it was wrong of you to do that and third so what if I look at the computiosion not like it matters since after high school we werent a team." I say and walk off. I did puzzles on my owe and made it to the town waiting on my brother.

He made it an hour after me and just looked down. "I guess I'll find shelter and you find food." He asked.

"Works for me." With that we went our own ways I noticed he went to an inn and made note of it for later. I walked around and found a place called grillbys. I walked in and saw it was a bar with a stage and not just any stage it was for dancing. I smiled and looked at a head to a bar. I sat down and ordered. I eat and then the small skeltion came in. He sat next to me and smiled.

"Hey new around here." He asked and I nodded. "I'm sans sans the skeltion master hip hop dancer." He said. Then the guy who took my order came to sans and handed him a bottle of ketup and then handed me a board. "Looks like your up."

"Wait what." I say looking at him. He laughed and repeated what he said but added more info.

"You order food you do a dance." He said and now I see why the stage was there. I slowly walked up there and people looked at me I looked in my brothers jacket pockets hoping his phone was there and thank god.

The music starts I bow and I start my dance.

When I was done everyone was clapping and I ended up liking the place. I ordered some food to go for my brother and left to the inn he was at. I walked in and bunny people where there.

"Oh are you here with the male." I nod and she smiles. "He's on the room to the left." I nod and go and join my brother.

"What took so long." He said and looked at me.

"Have to dance to pay." I said and gave him back his jacket and phone.

"Thanks and wow I bet you impressed them." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure." I got in the bed while he looked at me.

"you know I kinda miss dancing with you." Keth said out of the blue. I close my eyes and avoid him but fail. "Luna I know I said we should never dance together again but the puzzle we did together was actual fun.

"Your just saying that cause you don't have a partner and once you find them I'm out again. Now go to sleep." I say and wanting to sleep.

"Okay never mind." With that I feel a shift in the bed and opened one eye.

"What are you doing." I asked.

"Its a big bed relax plus I'm tired." Keth said and glared. I glared back.

"Oh no we aren't sharing a bed no more." I kick him off and he falls.

"What the hell." He said and I smile.

"Floor peasant." I say and he glares.

"Oh please you use to love it when this peasant use to sleep in your bed."

"Dance off I win you stay on floor if you win......."

"We share the bed." He said and we smile.

"We need to figure out who the judge will be."

"Outside 10 mins." I say and he agrees. He leaves and I get up and figure what song I'll do. Once figuered since I knew my brothers list I smiled and nodded.

Once outside my brother smiled and knew what song and started.

He did great and had cheers and they where loud. Then it was my turn and to be honest I wasn't ready.

I then did my dance and shocked everyone since well I have been practicing street dance in secret since no one does it in our town and its considered banned. At the end I had more cheers then my brother and he smiled at me. We walked back into the inn and the to rabbits where debating which was better. I laughed and ran up stairs to the room and jumped into the bed.

"Oh sweet bed how I missed you." I say and smile while keth rolls his eyes.

"Really this again. Fine I'll be a good peasent and sleep on the floor but next night its my turn. Though when did you learn street dance I thought it was banned." He said and I smiled.

"It is just I taught myself and learned it."

"Well I must ammit it was good but let's not get you to use to it." Keth said and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks but its just for fun." I say and get coftable.

"Night sis and um tomorrow let's go to that place u got food and do a dance together." Keth said but I was already out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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