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Yoongi had just gotten back from finishing up planning for the wedding. He could tell she was a bit upset but it didn't bother him any. Now, him, Jimin, and the rest of the boys were sitting in the back yard of the palace, painting.


I think the last time I painted I spilled purple all over Yoongi hyung", Tae chuckled at the sudden memory. Yoongi had invited the boy over to his palace to drink wine and paint but Tae tripped over a big bucket of purple paint and it spilled all over Yoongi. Instead of Yoongi being upset though, he just laughed and soon Tae did too. It could've been that the boy was slightly tipsy though.

"Ah, that story will never get old", Yoongi laughed himself, taking a sip from his red wine. Though, as he was painting, Jimin intertwined his hand with Yoongi's free one. Yoongi just smiled shyly, squeezing his hand a bit.

"Wanna go inside for a bit?", Yoongi whispered to the younger. Jimin knew what the boy was wanting to do. He just nodded shyly, putting his brush back into a cup of water.

"Guys we're gonna go inside for a bit, can you finish painting without us?", Yoongi excused.

"Sure but you two lovebirds don't have too much fun in there", Jin smirked slightly as he stroke his brush along the paper with blue paint. The two boy's walked inside, Yoongi guiding the younger upstairs by his hand.

Once they got up to their room, Yoongi closed the door and locked it so no one could disturb them. Jimin walked over to the bed, Yoongi doing the same. He had assumed this was the younger's first time so he wanted to take things slow. Though he wanted it to be a special, intimate experience for the two of them.

"We're gonna go slow, if you get uncomfortable at any time just tell me okay?", Yoongi reassured. Jimin nodded but he was still a little nervous. Of course when Yoongi touched him it felt different from when his father did because his father would physically abuse him. But, he couldn't help in feel different thoughts flood his head.

Like if the older would find him disgusting for the things he liked when being intimate. Or if Yoongi would judge him for how littered of scars his body was. All the cuts and bruises his father made had caused him to become so insecure about himself. He truly hated it. He missed how his body looked before the constant abuse came along.

"You okay, baby? You kinda zoned out on me", Yoongi chuckled. Jimin shook his thoughts away, quickly coming back to reality.

"S-Sorry, I'm just kind of...nervous is all".

"Well you are loosing your virginity to me so I understand why", Yoongi chuckled. "But if there's something else on your mind, you can tell me Jimin-ah", Jimin was hesitant but knew he could talk to the older about anything, he knew he would never judge him.

"It's just...I have all these thoughts in my head of what you might think of me when we finally did this. Like if you think I'm disgusting or perverted for the things I like when being intimate with someone. I thought if you knew those things, you wouldn't wanna do this or even wanna be with me anymore".

"Hey hey look at me", Yoongi grabbed the younger's chin gently pulling it towards him, the two of them making eye contact.

"Whatever it is your into, I would never judge you for it baby. When we do this, I wanna know all sides of you. Even if that means getting out of your comfort zone a little bit, I'm going to love you either way. So whatever thoughts you may have, don't listen to them. Your not disgusting or perverted for the things you like when being intimate, there's things I like as well.

Just...don't be afraid to tell me these things, I wanna know all of you", Yoongi wiped the little specks of tears from the boy's cheeks with his thumbs. He leaned slowly, pressing his lips to the younger's plump, softer ones. Jimin kissed back, his arms going around the older's neck. Yoongi pulled the boy into his lap, him straddling it. Jimin pulled away so he could start unbuttoning Yoongi's shirt. The younger smiled softly at the sight. Instead of Yoongi having abs or a six pack, he had a little baby tummy.

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