Chapter 3

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"Carly. You are awake", my dad said.

"Yeah. I am", I said.

"Carly please tell me how you are feeling", my dad said.

"I don't know. But how bad was it", I asked.

"You don't need to know now," he said.

"But dad, are you hiding something from me," I asked him.

"Carly this is not the time to ask about something like that," he said.

"Then should I ask," I asked him.

"Not right now," he said.

Time has passed since either of us has spoke. I guess there was nothing that needed to be said. But I can't help but feel like I should say something. I couldn't find the words to say.

"Dad, how did you find out," I asked him.

"Your school called me," he said.

"How long was I out for," I asked him again.

"You were out for a good couple of hours at least," he said.

"Two hours. Really?" I asked him.

"Yes Carly. You can't push yourself right now. You need to rest," he told me.

"I know," I said.

"So do it Carly. I'll leave so you can do it," he said.

As soon as he left I had a million thoughts going through at once. I needed to have answers for these thoughts and questions. There was nobody there to help me get them. For my whole life that was the case. So I had to get the answers to them myself.

Since there was nothing else I could do really I thought I should just sleep for a while.

I had a dream. It was about me being with my father helping with one of his cases. Which never happens in real life. During this case these parents were murdered and the 18 year old daughter was the only one that lived. Derek was totally hitting on her. He had even asked her on a date after he interviewed her. Which made my dad really upset because they are still investgateing her parents murder. But Derek told him that he is only trying to comfort her. But they got into a major arguement after he said that. I guess they have different definitions of comforting someone. There was yelling and the whole deal. Then Derek went out looking really angry. A minute or two later my dad came out if the pravite room they were in. Everybody just looked at him not fully knowing what was going on. So Derek went on that date with that 18 year old without even thinking about it. It was what everybody on the team was talking about for a while before while and after the date. To be honest out of all of the people on the BAU it is not surprising that Derek was the one that went on a date with a witness.

As my dream went on it got really strange. Weird stuff was going on like random black holes in the middle of the road and dragons attacking major cities. Out of the blue my dad told everybody that the dragon was on its way here. So we were rushing to get out of town even though they weren't finished with the case yet. My dad picked up the phone and called someone. I assumed he was calling Derek. Then a hallow gram of Strauss came. She and my dad was talking about the case for a quick minute. Then he picked up the phone again. This time someone called him.

I heard somebody calling my name. It wasn't coming in a pictialuar direction. When I woke up Morgan was by my bedside.

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