An Unwanted Reunion

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Bakugou walked down the sidewalk with his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. As he passed by crowds of people their faces exploded with excitement as they realized who in fact he was. But those skills quickly faded as the found the hero practically on the verge of combusting.

That damn fucking Deku! Thinking he could put that type of responsibility on me? Like hell I would help him and his dumb ass apprentice out.

Bakugou stopped at a small brown building and looked up at the large black door. The blond made his way over and knocked three times and instantly a slit at eye level slid open to reveal a set of eyes staring at him.

"Holy crap it's number one!" The voice blurted out.

"Really fucking professional idiot. You going to open the door or am I going to have to kick it in?" Bakugo responded as he narrowed his eyes.

"Yes sir right away, I'm terribly sorry." The man responded as the slit slid shut.

A second later Bakugo heard several locks be undone followed by the door swinging open allowing Bakugo to finally enter the building. As soon as he made it through the door it instantly shut and was led down a long dark path. After a minute or so of walking the worker finally came to a stop and opened another door and gestured for Bakugo to go in.

The blond made his way through the doorway and instantly the setting changed from a dark depressing building, to a lively bar that was only known by a select group of people.

The only people that knew about this place, were well respected hero's.

Bakugo made his way over to the bar and found the woman he was looking for ordering a drink.

"Can I have a Mule please? And don't hold back on the vodka ." The woman said to the bartender with a wink.

"Add an old fashion and put it on my card." The blond said as he slid his card across the bar.

"Hey I don't need no man paying for my....BAKUGOU! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!" The woman yelled as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Let go of me Pinky." Bakugo growled as his body stiffened.

"Oh quit being such a big baby! I can't believe you still get so uncomfortable from hugging a girl." Mina teased.

Bakugos body temperature flared at the girls comment causing the girl to let out a yelp and finally let go.

"You are no fun!" The girl pouted as she stuck out her tongue.

"One Mule and one old fashion. Would you like to open a tab tonight sir?" The bartender asked as he cut into their conversation.

"No just these are fine." Bakugou responded as he picked up his drink and handed Mina hers.

"Follow me."

Mina nodded and followed her friend across the bar until he sat down at a reserved table.

"Man I'm so happy Sero chose to open this place! A bar so hero's can have a drink and not have to worry about their image being affected is a game changer." Mina said as she took a sip of her drink.

"The only good decision he made was having a table always reserved for us if we decided to come." Bakugo responded.

"Mhm. So what brings you here?"

"I need to talk to everyone about something."

"Oooo sounds serious."

"It is."

Mina let out a deep breath and slumped onto the table.

"Uhgggg I knew it was too good to be true when you came here. You would never come here to just have fun."

Bakugo went to retaliate but stopped himself and crossed his arms. Even if he did try to fight back he knew it would go no where.

Over the next hour or so people that Bakugo went to highschool with trickled in and out of the bar. It was weird for him to see all these old faces in a place that didn't have to do with work.

Eventually the select few that Bakugou wanted to talk to was there. It was him, Mina, Sero, Momo, and Todoroki.

"Bakugo isn't this a pleasant surprise." Momo said as she said down next to her husband.

"Indeed." Shoto said as he placed his hand on top of Momos.

"Ya why the hell are you here? I get that I told you to pop in every once and a while but I never assumed you would." Sero said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Deku spoke to me in my dreams." Bakugo spoke bluntly causing Sero to spit out his drink.

The atmosphere of the group instantly took a sharp turn as silence overcame them.

"Are you sure it was him?" Momo finally spoke up.

"I know what Deku looks like and acts like. I'm positive it was him."

"I don't believe you. He's dead, there's nothing more too it. You personally announced to us that you saw him die at the hands of Tomura Shigaraki." Said Todoroki.

"I believe you, it has something to do with what happened the other night with Kaminari and Kiri right?" Asked Mina.

"Wait what the heck happened to those two? I knew something was wrong cause the portable charger didn't respond to my texts but I assumed he was with some chick." Sero coughed out.

"Kaminari and Kirishima were both attacked and hospitalized by the once little girl that Izuku saved from overhaul and took under his wing."

"Her name was Eri right?" Questioned Momo.

"Ya it is. It seems as though even with Izuku being dead, he was able to somehow pass down the teachings of his martial arts to her. I assumed that one day she would come for my head but I didn't expect her to be as skilled as she was."

"Is this the first time Izuku has spoken to you since he passed on?" Shoto asked.

"No it's not. He talked to me once after I was named the number one hero but that was it until earlier today. But that's all besides the point. The main reason I called you here is to figure out what to do about Eri."

"Easy lock her up." Sero blurted out.

"I actually agree with Sero on this one. After seeing what she did to Kiri, it scares me knowing something like that could be running around on the streets.

"It seems as though we all have the same idea in mind but if that was the case, you wouldn't have bothered coming to talk with us." Shoto said as he looked over at Bakugo.

"Izuku told me her motives are perfectly in line with his except for one part, she wants to bring him back to life."

"Like hell we would let that happen." Mina murmured as she tightened her grip on his drink.

"We shouldn't worry about that. Izuku told me he has no interest in stepping foot on Earth ever again. He only wants what's best for Eri."

"And what does he think is the best option for her?"

"He said we should enroll her in UA."

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