Learning The Truth

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The voice mentioned showing a world of magic, which is a blatant breach of the Statute of Secrecy, as a result the Ministry of Magic was in damage control mode. Umbridge forced her way through the crowd of people, upon reaching the barrier, she fired a spell at the portal to 'test the waters'. However, this backfired as the energy backfired at her, causing her to careen into the Goblin statue behind her. She landed between its legs. Trying to save face, she stood up quickly. Only to hit her head on the metal crotch. Her head made a ringing sound against the cold metal as she collapsed back to the floor with a headache.

Among those who had gone out to grab a pint from the local pubs of London, the Grangers were among those pub goers. They were out to have a nice evening in London, enjoying each other's company. That changed when the portals opened, when they heard of magic being a gift from heaven, they were both happy to know that their daughter was one step closer to being accepted by their parents.

Dan, however, was having a thousand yard stare. Mentions of war slowly bring back memories from his service with the armed forces. All of the death, all the destruction. The loss of his best mates in places far from home. Emma sees the look on her husband's face, and in a show of moral support grasped his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as if saying he will be okay, that he was here with her, that holding onto him was like his mind being anchored firmly in the present.

French President Francois Mitterrand They had spent some time after his election to reconnect, hell Henri had even made him the Godfather to his eldest child Fleur, and when the portal appeared in paris well there was no need to call for him because they we already together in his office having a drink, when they both noticed it and all that was said was "Oh for the love of god, what happened." The Area around the Eiffel Tower started to become clogged with the people of Paris, all trying to get a glimpse of the portals, almost like a scene from war of the worlds where the crowds tried to have a look at the massive cylinder, but instead of a Martian trojan house which brings death and destruction. The portals brought something else, something that those of magical France had not thought of before, that their magic was a gift from god, which brought some joy for those who did go to church. That joy however turn sour, at the mention of war, the very mention that magic is used for such a vile sin of humanity brought back the memorys long since buried, the memorys of the war, the occupation, the death, the destruction, and finally the shame that was brought to their proud and wonderful city of Paris under the jackboot of the fascist pigs who raped and pillage their fair city of Paris.

The people of Germany didn't know what to think when they first heard the voice, more than a few thought it was the voice of an Angel deciding upon them to deliver judgment day and bring those worthy to the kingdom of heaven, while forsaking the sinful. Once the word of Magic was mention and even more so confirmed to be not a gift of the devil, but of the holy father, it caused many to bring bare their crosses or even do a cross motion on their bodys to bring praise to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit even a few German Magicals who were both religious and among the crowds silently praised god for bestowing his gift onto them. However when the mention of war was uttered by the voice, it brought to the forefront memories of a bloody time most wish to forget.

Both Remus and Sirius stared at the portal, not truly understanding what the voice meant. It did however lead to some questions, such as why was this portal here, why did this involve them and who the devil is that voice.

At Hogwarts one professor McGonagall felt the feeling of sadness, because of the loss of her brother from the Second Great War, she feared she would see such horrors before her and her students. Rita however was eating this up, finally a story that would place her name on the annals of history, all she has to do is edit a few things to make so that Dumbledore is seen as a blatant criminal at breaking the Statute of Secrecy. Hermione being a muggleborn knows full well what the rest of the world is going through, such as the world being in the state of bringing apocalypses at any second. Hermione's reaction at what the voice said, felt both trepidation and relief, Relief because now at least if she wanted to she could at least tell her grandparents, and not be rebuked by them sending her away for being a witch, and trepidation because now that the Statute was going out the window, she had no idea what will happen next and that scared her, and she was more than a little afraid when the voice mentioned war, because her father never talked about his time in the military, and anytime he thought about it he got this far off look in his eye, it wasn't until she looked it up later that she found the name for it. It was called the Thousand Yard Stare. Ron was of course being his ignorant self, jumping up and down thinking he was going to see British superiority over the Huns. Though the rest of the Weasley were interested in seeing a world where they didn't need to hide. "What the bloody Hell" came from the surprised voices of Amelia Bones and Augusta Longbottom, the surprise was palpable in their voices. To say that they were surprised would be an understatement, hardly anything surprised these two anymore, not since...Harry's death, and that had been a depressing surprise that Amelia had been called to when she heard about the death of a magical child at the hands of their muggle relatives, to discover that the child was Harry Potter was extremely depressing, especially when it came to light, thanks to Augusta and Amelia's digging that they discovered that Dumbledore was responsible for the placement of Harry, shook the Wizarding world to its core. Augusta had gotten involved considering that Lily Potter was Neville's Godmother just as Alice had been for Harry, and after it had come to light that Dumbledore had been the one to place Harry there and not even bother to check on him, well it costed Dumbledore a lot of support and caused him to use a lot of political favors, but he still lost his Supreme Mugwump position and his Chief Warlock position, he just hung on to his position as Headmaster of Hogwarts by a thread, especially after the disasters that were the three previous years.

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