...What a surprise...

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Nezu: ChuckyCheeseDemon

All Might: CaptainAmericaKnockoff

PowerLoader: HandyMandyWannabe

Vlad King: BetterThanAVamp

Snipe: ModernCowboy

Cementoss: MinecraftLookalike

Recovery Girl: MotherOfUA

Ectoplasm: TheRealCloneTrooper

Thirteen: ETButBetter

Lunch Rush: SpaghettiCook

Aizawa: InsomiaCat

Mic: BetterThanBanshee

Midnight: NightNotForChildren


*Time skip of a year brough to you by Izuku being in class 1A and regretting life choices*

UA staff group chat:

MinecraftLookalike: Aizawa....

InsomiaCat: What...?

MinecraftLookalike: You should come to the infirmary.

InsomiaCat: Why?

MinecraftLookalike: I found Midoriya.

InsomiaCat: *sigh* Problem child...

MinecraftLookalike: He ahm.. He tried drowining in his bathtub.... And it was the source of the water leakage below.

InsomiaCat: I am coming.

MinecraftLookalike: Also RG said not to tag her for now.

InsomiaCat: Alright...

MinecraftLookalike: Don't scream at him tho. He refuses to say a thing right now.

InsomiaCat: Fine...

MinecraftLookalike: I also should tell you that he cut the veins on his hands open and tried to bleed out too. Tho the cut wasn't to deep from what RG is told me.

InsomiaCat: ...

BetterThanAVamp: What's wrong with your class again?

InsomiaCat: Backread vampire.

BetterThanAVamp: I did and the only reason this is happening is because of that stupid dog you have in class.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: What is happening now?

BetterThanAVamp: Read up Mickey!

ChuckyCheeseDemon: Oh my...

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: I am on my way too. My boy... why would he do that?

InsomiaCat: Ask yourself if he is "your boy".

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: He is. I am training with him and taking care of him every day!

InsomiaCat: Is that why he is always injured?

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: I am trying to fix it. He just doesn't get what I am saying. It's also different for everyone.

InsomiaCat: So stop trying and fix it.

MotherOfUA went online

InsomiaCat: Is Midoriya okay?

MotherOfUA: No one is going in the infirmary now!

MotherOfUA: sigh

MotherOfUA: He is kinda....

InsomiaCat: But is he okay?

MotherOfUA: Physically yes. He is asleep and I just healed him up.

InsomiaCat: *sigh* Why did he do this...

MotherOfUA: That I want to hear from you. What are you doing with your class that left him to do this!

InsomiaCat: Nothing! I swear!

MotherOfUA: I also found disturbance marks on his body.

InsomiaCat: I haven't done anything that crazy recently!

CaptainAmericaKnockoff: He told me that they are from his past.

MotherOfUA: Nah ah! These are fresh!

BetterThanBanshee went online

BetterThanBanshee: WHATS FRESH!?

MotherOfUA: Cut marks, burn marks and bruises as well as strangling marks. I also found a lot of scratch marks too. Noe explain! HOW IN THE WORLD IS HE GETTING THEM IN YOUR DAMN CLASS!



MotherOfUA: Are you sure?

InsomiaCat: Completely.

MotherOfUA: I'll have him overnight with me here. He won't go back to the dorm and I do not want anyone inside and do not talk to him about this.

InsomiaCat: Good with me...

MotherOfUA: Please watch him in your class if his behavior changes all of the sudden.

InsomiaCat: Understood.

ETButBetter: How can he do that? He was always smiling and happy!

InsomiaCat: Not always. Just most of the time.

ETButBetter: I never saw him without this sweet smile.

InsomiaCat: True... But no one can smile forever.

ChuckyCheeseDemon: This is very concerning. Aizawa, please keep an eye on him. HOund Dog please be on standby in case he is sent over to you. Everyone else, you heard RG. No one is saying a word about this. We do not want others to know about this and pressure him.

UPS! I did it again! (chatfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant