Chapter 3 - More than Meets the Eye

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The Route 2 bus went from downtown to North Park, stopping at many businesses and National City University along the way. As a Freshman, Kara had been riding it every Monday through Thursday that school was in session. It was both a painfully long and short ride as the object of her affection remained in view but out of reach. It was a struggle she had faced alone, day after day, but today she had brought a witness.

"Here it comes, right on schedule."

Kara bounced on her toes while Alex stood nearby, hands shoved into her pockets. Even after last night's discussion, the elder sister had been hesitant to make this little excursion, only Kara's reminder of a promise spurring Alex into action. When the choices were a supernatural experience or your sister's lack of sanity, ignorance held a certain attraction.

This morning, Lena was wearing green, a color that brought out her eyes: green like the sea, like an evergreen, like desire. Her hair was down today, loose curls hanging over her blue clad shoulders. There was a book folded in her lap, but her gaze wasn't glued to the pages. She smiled and met Kara's eyes.

"Good morning."

"Hey, I'm glad you're here," Kara said.

"Where else would I be?" Lena chuckled.

"Right, so, I brought my sister." Kara slid into the seat next to Lena. "She didn't exactly believe me when I told her about you so... Anyway, Lena, this is Alex. Alex, this is Lena."

"Hello, Alex."

Alex didn't meet Lena's gaze, didn't so much as glance in the brunette's direction. Her eyes stayed locked on Kara, worry etched in the lines of her face. "Kara..." The head shake said it all.

"You can't see her. She can't see you."

"Disappointing but not surprising," Lena said. "Now she's going to think you're crazy."

"I'm not crazy, Alex."

"I didn't say you were. I just... I just..." Alex took a seat kitty-cornered from Lena. "Kara, there's no one there."

Kara's lower lip quivered. "There is. You just can't see her."

Lena held her hand over Kara's, and when Kara turned her hand over and curled her fingers up, they passed through Lena's digits. Still, they stayed there, Lena's ethereal presence small comfort but comfort nonetheless.

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