I said coldly to Javan then walked out of his office. Stupid, stupid boys. I went to the room that uses to be mine, grabbed my skateboard and headphones. Then I walked out of the house without anyone seeing me. I honestly don't care where everyone is right now I just want to go skateboarding. I haven't gone skateboarding in public in years. I got to the gate and there were guards there.

"Can I go please?"

The guards looked at eachother, then me. Then back at eachother, then back to me.

"Signorina, il signor Rivera le ha dato il permesso di lasciare il parcheggio?"
(Miss, has Mr.Rivera given you permission to leave the lot?)

"Sì lui ha. Sono appena tornato a casa dopo anni e mi ha detto che posso uscire e vedere un po' della città".
(Yes he has. I just got home after years and he said I can go out and see some of the city.)

The guards gave me a nod then opened the gate for me. I smiled at the two men and rolled away on my skateboard. I put my headphones on and played my music while going around town. I stopped at a park and sat down at a bench. A girl came and sat next to me. I saw her just staring at me so I took my headphones off and stared back at her.


I asked the girl. She just smiled at me.

"I'm Avery."

The lady introduced herself to me, still with a smile in her face.

"I'm sorry Avery, but do I know you?"

"Oh...I guess you don't, but I just wanted to sat you look really pretty. You also look like my boyfriend's younger sister. He just came back home with her. I feel bad honestly, he missed her so much and he's told me so many time about how she hates him. Isn't that just sad?"

"Do you work for Javan? Or, uh, Mr.Rivera? Did he put you up to this?"

I asked as I stood up and took a step away from the lady. Her smile faltered a little bit. She looked down at her lap, her phone. She was doing someone on her phone. Flight or fight kicked in and I decided flight was it. I hopped on my skateboard and rode away. I looked back once to see her on the phone with someone and looking right at me. She's so strange. If she is actually dating one of my brothers I'm going to...I'm going to kill myself honestly. What stranger walks up to a teen sitting alone and starts talking to them?
I saw a small diner that I feel like I've seen before so I stopped there. I walked in and there was only 4 percent sitting and easing. I sat at a booth and looked at the menu. I feel like I've been here before and I just can't shake the feeling.

"Hello ma'am. How may I help you today?"

"Hi...uh can I just have a water for now?"

"Of course ma'am."

The waitress came back moment later with a glass of water. I thanked her then sipped on my water while taking in the smell and scenery. I got lost in my thoughts. How do I remember this place? Yelling at Javan. Skateboarding. Grayson. Home. The park. That lady....that lady! She's here! She's has to be following me! She's in the parking lot, leaning into a Jeep and talking with someone in the Jeep. I decided to wait this out and see what would happen.
That lady, Avery, stepped away from the Jeep as the door opened. And of course none other than Javan fucking Rivera was there. Great. Just great. Should of ran while I had the chance. I accepted defeat and slumped into the booth I was sitting at while sipping on my water and looking at my phone. I heard the bell ring when the door opened. I heard Javan and Avery's voices murmuring to eachother. I heard their footsteps getting closer and closer to me until it all stopped.


Javan said with his usual cold and bland voice. I mimicked him while looking up at him and that girl.


I said her name and gave her a quick glance. They both sat across from me in the booth. The waitress came up and asked if she could get anything for them.

"We're good for now. Thank you ma'am."


The waitress answered Javan and walked away. I rolled my eyes. That waitress was eyeing my brother up. Ew. Just ew. I haven't even been here for 24 hours and I'm getting in trouble. I think that's a record for me.

"Do you want to talk here or back home?"

Javan asked me. I smirked.

"Home. You know, the one back in New York? Yeah. I rather be there than here. Have a gander you old bloke. I don't like you, I don't her. I don't like here. I don't like this stupid family. And I don't like being away from my home."

"Victoria Rivera you will not-"

"Victoria Hill. It's Victoria Hill, wanker. And I prefer to keep it that way. I mean you do say I could keep Micah's last name. Blimey it'll be fun for my boss to here about all my family who's wronged me."

"Victoria we are alliances and I do not need to start a war. Plus with the ball coming up I need everything to be calm. I also haven't had time to meet the new leader of Micah's Mafia."

"That's a shame isn't it? She already doesn't like you one bit. But she'll be arriving at the ball with my family. Whom I'll also be joining."

"No. You'll be with me. I don't need you running off like you did today."

"You call that running off? I just needed to think and breath a little. Don't you think I'd need to let everything sink in before you go off controlling my life? This is what I like to do, skateboarding, being in public. Now you wouldn't know a things about what I like since you haven't ever been there. Shame that once thought you'd save me from the hell hole I lived in for years only because none of my so called brothers wouldn't go against daddy's words. Bunch of bloody knobs."

I spit out at him and this girl who didn't say a word. Then I stood to leave but Javan grabbed my wrist.

"We are going back home to discuss what you're punishment will be. And will not disobey me again."

I gave Javan a fake smile and got into the Jeep he somehow got me infront of. I clutched my skateboard to my side and tried to hide the fear sneaking up in me. No one was talking, not even music which made everything worse. I felt guilty and shitty. I'm terrified with what hes going to do to me...if this is just going to be like life with Jack, I will succeed in killing myself this time around...Yes. I attempted more than once when I lived with Jack. He just abused me more. I tried once when I was living with Micah, he got me a therapist and meds. I've been off the meds just over 2 years, same with therapy.

"Victoria, come on. You can't sit in here forever....Avery, babe, can you go get Mateo and Everett please."


"Thank you hunny."

Javan kissed her cheek. I would of cringed if I wasn't about to hit my breaking point and start crying out of fear. I was to caught up in my thoughts to see when we got back to the house, but I wasn't going to let that happen now. I'm terrified. I don't want to know why Javan asked for two other strong, big, men to come to little me. But they did. Javan told them to get me inside in Italian then left with Avery.

"Hey Tori. You skateboard?"

Mateo climed into the Jeep and tried to move closer to me but I backed away from me.

"Okay, okay. I won't come any closer. I don't skateboard but I have a friend who does. He says he really likes it. Maybe you could meet him, yeah?"

I just gave him a small nod as I kept my eyes on him and Everett. If either of them move I'm going to snap.

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