Result Of Round Two| Action/Adventure

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Total 81/100

Total from both judges 153/200


3. The Green Guardian by CroodsGirl 

Judge PhantomInvasions 

Engagement 20/20

Concept 10/10

Cover 7/10

The book description 8/10

Technicalities 49/50

Total 94/100

Judge MikeMacColin 

Engagement 19/20

Concept 9/10

Cover 8/10

The book description 7/10

Technicalities 44/50

Total 87/100

Total from both judges 181/200


2. Venture to Uncertainty by tarishannon18 

Judge PhantomInvasions 

Engagement 19/20

Concept 9/10

Cover 9/10

The book description 8/10

Technicalities 48/50

Total 93/100

Judge MikeMacColin 

Engagement 20/20

Concept 9/10

Cover 7/10

The book description 10/10

Technicalities 49/50

Total 95/100

Total from both judges 188/200


1. The Rest is Riddles by CMF_Wright 

Judge PhantomInvasions 

Engagement 20/20

Concept 10/10

Cover 8/10

The book description 10/10

Technicalities 50/50

Total 98/100

Judge MikeMacColin 

Engagement 19/20

Concept 8/10

Cover 9/10

The book description 8/10

Technicalities 48/50

Total 92/100

Total from both judges 190/200


Congratulations to all winners!

Note: Feedback will be sent to each participant via dm. 

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