"My arms feel like they are going to fall off," she said, obviously done with it for the day as she took a seat in the exact spot she stood.

"We can pick it up later if you like," Dante said, not wanting to start a fight with her.

"Sorry, I know you expected more from me," She said with an almost saddened tone to her voice.

Dante had noticed she seemed off lately, ever since they had left she seemed to be falling deeper into herself. Into self doubt and an almost depression.

"You did great, honestly you are making a lot of improvements from two months ago."

Despite his compliment, Razaria wouldn't meet his eyes. She sat on the ground, ams tossed over her legs. With how much of a work out they'd gotten that day, they felt like limp noodles. She wasn't sure she could even lift a bottle of water at that point, that's how tired she was. Dante sat down beside her silently. There really wasn't much else they could do while she recovered. He leaned back onto his arms and let out a deep breath.

The last few days had been almost perfect. Nathan had gone above and beyond what Dante had expected of him. Far more than he ever could have hoped. He'd given them food, shelter, and something that Dante found he prized above all else: peace. The Organization was still out there of course, but they had a couple days to catch their breath after the horror of Gold Springs. Nathan had even synthesized the secondary dose of strengthening serum for Razaria using their blood as well as the formula he'd had a hand in creating. Even if he was family, Dante wasn't sure what he would ever be able to do to repay Nathan for all he'd done in the last few days.

"Dante?" Razaria broke the silence as they watched the sun start to set. "When are we leaving?"


It wasn't that he didn't understand what she was asking. It was just that he'd been so lost in his thoughts that the question hadn't really registered. Plus, coming from her, the question had seemed to pop out of nowhere. He turned to look at her, angling so that he could get a good look at her face.

"Do you want to leave?" He asked.

Justin had been complaining that he was bored for the last couple of days. It was obvious that his expectations of the paradise setting hadn't lived up to the reality, or whatever. He hadn't thought that Razaria would want to leave so soon. But if she did, that was just something that they would need to seriously start considering.

"I don't want Nathan to get hurt," she confided, mind flashing back to the old man that had sheltered them.

Dante at that point laughed at Razaria, not trying to be mean to her in any way. It was just the fact that he knew Nathan was less likely to get hurt than a lot of other people would be.

"He won't. Nathan was the very first Commander in The Organization. He had a hand in not only training my mom but me as well," Dante told her.

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