Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:

Apple Pie Kinda Life

The ship docked at the main port of Weiss ten hours after it set sail. The port was bustling with all sorts of new smells for most of the group. There were colorful shirts with bottoms that had no hope of blending into anywhere they'd been so far. Carts with umbrellas being pushed up and down the boardwalk, shading the various snacks that the locals offered to those who were just arriving as well as those who were there regularly. Farther down the beach was an area where people in various states of dress dotted the coast line; Unit 16 and Justin were removed from that only by the minimum safety amount.

As they got off the boat and walked more into the city, the colors continued. Buildings that reached up to three stories high, at the most, were painted with the most eye grabbing colors possible. The heat of the day was mitigated by the ocean breeze as it blew through even the corridors formed by the multiple, tightly packed buildings. The flowering plants all seemed to have been tied together as they spanned over multiple dwellings. Ivy's head was on a constant swivel as they walked down the narrow passenger road, taking in as much of it as she could.

"This is heaven," the young blonde expressed with arms spread out wide.

Razaria laughed at Ivy; she seemed to be amazed by everything she had seen since they got out. Razaria slowed down as they passed a window. She noticed something shiny on display. Dante looked over to what she was looking at and saw it was a simple necklace that just seemed to catch the sunlight in the right way to catch her eye.

"See something you like?" Dante asked and Razaria simply nodded in response.

He laughed as he made a mental note to come back and grab it before they left. He didn't have a lot of time to do the normal boyfriend stuff with her like take her to dinner or to a movie but he would be damned if he couldn't at least get her a small trinket that she liked.

"I'll get it for you on our way out of town."

"He's husband material, Razy!" Ivy said with a grin. Then she added, "And daddy material."

"Kinky," Justin commented with a laugh; never mind the fact that he had insinuated something along a similar line a couple days ago.

"You always ruin the mood Jussy," Ivy said with a pout.

They continued on their path until they got to a more remote part of the island, one with fewer people and homes that weren't connected to one another. They walked past a few kids riding bikes and some couples going for walks with their dogs. All in all it seemed like the perfect little community for anyone looking for the apple-pie kinda life.

Dante came to a stop as he looked at his cell phone and confirmed the address he was looking for was in fact the house right in front of him. Compared to the others that they'd seen walking through the city, the colors were muted. It had large columns in the front of the house with a simplistic porch. As the group lingered at the front, the large front door opened. A man, in his early forties, stepped out. He had the softest looking brown hair imaginable but the thing that caught Razaria's, and most of the group's interest, were his eyes. They looked like amethysts and held the same kind of intensity that Dante's did, especially as he looked over the group.

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