Chapter 3: meeting an old friend/ battle against the ball demon.

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The group headed towards the small city that slowly develop over time. Nezuko was now walkinf beside the monk as she was gush to death Zhu bajie and shu wujing, who claim her as their sworn little sister. As for wukong, he was now walking beside Nezuko, as if he refuse to leave her side. Often getting tease by his sworn brothers about his new found crush makes want of him to throw them into the sun. Especially Zhu bajie, who he threaten him if he didn't stop, he'll cook him.

"It seems the city had grown a lot over the pass years." Tripitaka said as he watch a lots of people around. Then someone stomach start to growl very loud. They both look at zhu bajie, who was holding his stomach with an embarrassed smile on his face." Ehehe. Whoops." He said as wukong rolled his eyes while Nezuko has a dot expression on her face." Guess we have to look for food though." Wukong said as he leads the group towards the food court." Excuse me sir. We are sorry for bothering you but-" shu wujing was cut off when zhu bajie spoke up." Can we have some yam udon noodles?"

"Sure. Right away."


Every was now eating except Nezuko, who refuse to eat some after getting some offer from either the monk or Shu wujing. Wukong was eating his own noodles while staring at the city in front of him.' This is our first time here.' He thought as he and the others use to just small town or village. As he wasn't use too many people though. After they finish eating they start heading away before they were stop by a person who appeared out of now where." What a strange thing to see that a human, was accompany by a demons." Said the demon as wukong and other others got themselves ready while Nezuko just tilted her head in confuse manner.

"Who are you?" Tripitaka asked as the demon didn't answer, while keeping his eyes on Nezuko." Isn't she a demon too?" He asked as he point his finger at Nezuko. Tripitaka blink at him before answering," yes? Is something wrong?" The demon glared at Nezuko and said, " she looks hideous." This made the others freeze for a second when he said that. " hideous? Hideous? Is he pointing at some ugly woman?" Zhu bajie whisper to Shu wujing who shrugs his shoulder." I do not know." He said making Zhu baije frown." Then who is he. . . " then he slowly turn his attention to Nezuko, who was still confuse of what's going on. Then a realization hit him. ' is he talking about Nezuko?!' Thought zhu bajie before turning his head angry along with Shu wujing. " How dare you? She's not hideous!" Shu wujing shouted as Zhu bajie motion both of his hands at Nezuko with pissed look on his face. " our Sworn little sister is a beauty! A Beautiful lady you know!"

Wukong was not happy that someone called Nezuko hideous as he was about to bring his staff out from his ear and ready to beat the crap out of the demon. The demon turn away from them and said," come along." Then walk ahead. " of course sir. " tripitaka said as he and others follow the demon while Zhu bajie continued to rant." SISTER NEZUKO IS NOT UGLY!."

"Shut up porkchop!"


Traveling through the city, they ended up at an alley's dead end. Zhu bajie is still continued that the demon is wrong before he was put on a choke hold by Wukong, who has enough of it making Tripitaka scold the two for acting like kids. The demon walk through the wall, shocking the others before following suit. As they enter, they were shock to see a house, right on front of them." There's a big house beyong the dead end?!" Shout Zhu Bajie in shock." Hurry!" The demon called them to hurry up as he went in the house. But he stop as he turn his head to look at them." Heads up. Don't be rude when you see my master." He said before he appeared right in front of them with pissed expression on his face.

"I don't care if you're dead or alive, but she instructed me to take you all along" he said as Zhu Bajie hid behind Wukong, who wasn't faze at the demon's threat while Tripitake just sweat drop and said, "um. . .yes sir." Before they all entered the house. As the reach at the door, the demon knock first before a female voice spoke up." Come in." The door open up as the demon spoke," I'm home."

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