Chapter 3

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I'm back.  It's hard to believe that he isn't with us anymore. This chapter, and everyone after is dedicated to Technoblade.

I think he would want us to carry on, writing stories with him in it, making fan art, and everything else. He loved seeing it, I mean he even made an entire Twitter hashtag just to see it.

This chapter is going to be short, just to start getting back into things.

My Twitter is @Galaxyrhythmn, if you want to talk over there.


Techno's POV

Laying with my brother and his fledgling, I noticed the soft scrunched-up face the baby was making.

Reaching out I ran a knuckle down his cheek, wondering what was wrong.

"Wil?" I ask softly

He hums.

"Why is he stirring?"

I watch as Wilbur's eyes open looking at his little one, after a few minutes he realizes.

"Oh, the lights, they are too bright. It might be better to turn them off and just have a lamp on"

I nod and fix the blankets around them before heading across the floor to the desk switching the lamp on and turning to head towards the door to flip the light switch.

As soon as the lights go down the youngest in the room settles again.

Smiling, I rejoin them in the nest.

Phil's POV

Upon leaving the nest room, I head to the attic.

It takes a while to dig through boxes but at last, I get to the ones from when Techno was turned.

I didn't think these would be used so soon, but it's good I saved them.

After getting the boxes I need, I take them downstairs pulling and washing the teethers and celery, putting the tethers in the freezer for a while, and the chewlery in the fridge I go through the other boxes pulling blankets and other various books and clothes where I stack the books on the table and take the laundry to be done. Once that's started I sit and go through which books might be needed and put the others back in the box.

This is so exciting, there hasn't been a baby around in so long, I miss it. I wonder what his name is and what he's gonna be like. I know that Wilbur won't ever let anything happen to him, he would rather die than let his baby be harmed.

This was definitely unexpected, but it will liven things up here and maybe Wil's temper will calm down some.

<5 minutes later>

As I finish going through the boxes, I'm exhausted and decide to head back upstairs.

Standing, I stretch before noticing I knocked some things over. Stepping over a box, I pick them up and see a picture, Turning it over, I see it's a photo of Wilbur and Techno snuggled together in the very nest that Wilbur now has his fledgling in. I smile softly, remembering when I took that photo. I thought to myself, "With them all there now, I wonder if I can get a photo now, just to remember this."

Grabbing a camera, I wander back up the stairs to the baby's room. I know and say, "It's just me" before entering the room and shutting the door. Once I close the door, I turn and see the sweetest thing ever. It's Wilbur laying on the bed against the pillows and blankets, the little one settled on his chest asleep, and Techno lying next to them forehead against Wilbur's shoulder and a hand settled on Will's hand on the baby's back. I smile and step to the end of the bed, taking a Polaroid photo, like the first one, and letting it develop. I place the camera, and photo on the desk, step over to the bed, and lay down on the other side of Wilbur, putting one arm above his head and resting it on Techno's head, and the other on Techno and Wilbur's hands on the fledgling's back.

Wilbur's POV

We settle back down once Tech turns the lights off, and turns the lamp that encases the room in a warm orange glow. A while later, I hear Dad coming back upstairs, knocking and telling us who it is before entering. Watching as he turns and smiles softly, he steps closer and lifts a camera I remember from a while ago after Tech was turned. He takes a photo before joining us in the bed.

All is quiet, it's calm. I hope this baby has a good turn, he deserves one after the trauma he went through to get here.

Who knew that we would get another family member by sending me out on a walk to cool off? 


That's this chapter. Sorry, it's short.

Remember to take care of yourself too.  Drink some water, get something to eat, and take your vitamins.   I know this is hard, but he wouldn't want anyone to suffer. 

Please reach out if you need it.

I will see you in the next upload.

it will be longer.

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