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Hey guys,

In light of recent news,  I am going to take some time from writing this.

I will probably come back later on, but for right now, I don't think I can write it. Just writing this message is hard, I'm crying as I write it. My heart is in pieces.

Technoblade was a big part of my life, His videos helped me through some things. 

He was so down to Earth, and amazing.

I am not sure how long it will take for me to come back and finish this.

If you are struggling, just know, 

You Are Not Alone, We are all in this together, we are all grieving together.

Techno's Death was absolutely Heartbreaking. I am shattered.

All of my thoughts and prayers go out to Technoblade's family and friends. I can't even imagine what they are going through right now.

The world lost a good one.

"If I had another hundred lives, I think I would choose to be Technoblade again every single time, as those were the happiest years of my life. I hope you guys enjoyed my content, and that I made some of you laugh." -Technoblades last words, as read by his father.

You did Techno. You gave so much, laughter happiness, so much. I hope you are at peace now.  You deserve to rest.

Sleep well.

Alex (Technoblade)

1999 - 2022

Fly High Technoblade, I hope you up there fighting God.

I'm going to go, but if you are having hard times, or just want to talk,  write a comment or send a DM. 

My DM's are open. 

Bye, guys.

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