jally head cannons ;)

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They share cigarettes

If Johnny's parents are fighting dally won't let him go inside the house because he's afraid he'll get hurt

They said their first 'I love you' when they went star gazing

If one of them are hurt the other will patch them up

If its storming badly dally would hold Johnny and comfort him until the storm ends

When they do get into arguments they immediately make up

But once they were so mad at each other that they didn't talk for a whole week until the gang forced them to apologise

When dally gets upset he tries not to yell or do something stupid when he's near Johnny

Two-bit always teases dally about how he's a changed man ever since he started to date Johnny

Dally once slammed his fist on the counter making Johnny jump and dally immediately apologised

They shower together Johnny wouldn't at first but dally would always tell him sweet words to not make him feel insecure

Dally kisses Johnny's scars

Dally calls him doll, sweetheart, and johnnycakes

Johnny calls him hun, hunny, baby, babe

Dally doesn't like to admit it but he loves when Johnny cuddles him especially when Johnny wraps his arms around his waist

When dally catches Johnny at the lot in the night he always makes him go to Bucks to sleep

Dally once punched Johnny's old man in the face for hurting his Johnny

NSFW stuff

Dally loves when he fucks Johnny and covers Johnny mouth to muffle his moans

They sometimes do it in public

Darrys caught them before

Whenever their going at it and someone's near them dally would cover Johnny's mouth and tell him to shut up and pound into him hard making it hard for Johnny to be quiet and not get caught

Johnny won't admit it but he likes it when dallys rough

Johnny likes to be overestimated

Dally once took his shirt off at Curtis's and ponyboy asked why there's so many scratches on his back

Dally sometimes make Johnny hold eye contact with him when they do it because dally likes making him feel embarrassed

Dally makes hickeys on Johnny's neck for the gang to see

Two-bit gave Johnny red lace panties he had to hide them away from dally but dally found them and made Johnny wear them during sex

Johnny likes to be degraded by dally when their doing it

Dally loves to make Johnny beg

They once did it on the floor

Dally uses handcuffs and handcuffs Johnny's arms behind his back and tease him making him squirm and whine

Johnny likes to be spanked

They always have aftercare even if their tired

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