chapter 19

562 19 9

"I am Loki, prince of Asgard, god of mischief, lies, and storytelling"

Immediately you internally panic.

Well mabye not just internally.


Prehaps not the most calm you've been before a fight but you'd seen clips of this guy fighting and heard the story's from Thor of his extensive training in not only physical combat but magical as well.

At this point youd accepted that you could only hope to hold him long enough for the rest of the team to arrive.

Staring at the man you are suprised to find that he is not only not holding weapons of any sort but seams to be holding back a laugh.

You sudenly hear the laughs of the remainder of the avengers and you turn to find them all standing with various displays of amusement. "Alright I've very obviously missed something very important anyone care to explain?"

Clint takes a break from laughing on the couch to sit up and explain "It was Natasha's idea. You worried her so in retaliation she made us not tell you about Loki"

You throw your hands up in exasperation. "Tell me what about him? that he's come back? Why is the god who tried to take over the world in our living room?" Your face blanches "Oh my god hes not mindcontroling you guys right? Becaause don't think I could take Nat down."

"I have not taken possession of anyones mind. The allfather has mearly sentanced me to earth as to pay penance for my crimes against migard."

You shoot a glance requesting affirmation to the group while your mind go's in a different direction. damn this guys got the hottest voice ive ever-

no. Nonono y/n get a grip. This guy killed quite a few people.

Well Yeah but...


Shaking youself free from your internal argument you notice the looks of distaste sent in the direction of Loki. "Sooo we have another god living here part time?" You ask trying to brake the awkward silence.

"Indeed lady y/n-"

You interrupt Thor with a disapproving stare "I told told you not to call me that Thot"

"Of course my apologies y/n. In any case I'm apologetic for the suprise of finding my brother and hope this will not change the outcome of your pancakes?"

You send a playful glare at him. "Thats all you avengers care about! What about my poor cereal which I sacrifised for the sake of your crule prank-"

Tony interupts indignantly "our cruel pranks? Your one to talk miss I'll-put-knockout-gas-in-your-suit-because-it-amuses-me" he heightens his voice obnoxiously to mock your voice.

"I only did that because-"

Sudenly Jarves's voice interupts "Bakery Queen the sky pirate is attempting to reach you for a call"

You smirk at Tony's programed names for Fury and yourself. "Put it on the screen Jarvis."


"Hiyah Nick! Whats wrong you look... Furyous."

"L/n I'll cut to the chase, why do I have a medical facility in chaos?" The cold tones of the one eyed man flow over the room.

You smirk at him through the veiwscreen. "What do your mean chaos?"

He glares directly into your eyes as he responds "what I mean, miss L/n is that every person who's taken a shower after you left now has bright pink hair. What I mean is that the kitchen faucets are pouring out nothing but vodka while the bathroom sinks spit out beer. What I mean is the steady flow of slime leaking out of the washers of floor three. What I mean is the fact that we now have an entire room full of spiders that tapdance. What I mean is that we have another room that seams to have been turned into an indoor greenhouse full of poisonous plants."

You smile innocently at the screen. "What and you think I did that? How could I? I'm injured!"

"Your not fooling anyone y/n" comments Natasha from a couch to your left.

You turn and give her a glare. "And you aren't helping anything Tasha." You turn back to Nick "And really I didn't do half of what I could have. I was going to rig an antigravity machine in the bedrooms but didn't! that should get me points right?"

Nick Fury sighs and rubs his temples "I'm afraid not y/n and ive also had a report from agent Christ about how unprofessional you were during the mission-"

"I was unprofessional? Have you even met that little-"

"I'm aware of his over-dramatizing l/n but the fact of the matter is that I cant just let you go without repercousions. I'm slightly sorry to say but until further notice you'll be confined to the tower. Good day all and tell Loki not to fuck shit up again. Keep those restraints on him." And with that the screen clicks itself off and you are left dumbstruck.

You had just been grounded.

"Well then it apears we have solved the matter of Loki's babysitter." Tony pipes up.

Clint nods "As long as it isnt me. I dont trust him"

"None of us do clint. Not even Thor." Nat replies to her bestfriends comment with an eyeroll

"'Him' is right here." Comes the low voice of asgards younger prince.

"No really?"

"OKAY THATS ENOUGH!" You break in before they can start another fight. "If you guys shut the fuck up I'll make brinner" but for a small 'language' from Steve the tower is the quietest it had been since the time you'd put an experimental substance in everyone's peanut butter cookies that had glued their teeth together.

No-one dared speak execpt for the god of mischief who enquired, "what in the Norns does brainer mean?"

You grin maliciously At him before creepily walking backwards to the kitchen, one finger crooked in the 'come here' position. "Come and see oh mighty god of mischief. Come and seeeeeee"

Mmhhh kay

Bye bye my little vulcan potatoes.

Live long and prospeerrrrrrr~ 🖖

~eating raw cookie dough

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