Chapter 5

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The next day you were in the kitchen making breakfast (pancakes and scrambled eggs with sausage)  when your toe started hurting as it you'd stubbed it.

"Fucking Hel" you mutter hopping around on one foot. (Overdramatic? Yes but that was you)

When you smelled your pancakes start to burn you quickly stop dramatizing your ' injury ' and flip them. Yoy had just finished the bacon when a bedraggled looking Jenna appeared

"I was summoned by an invisable force to fight anyone who dare appose me and eating pancakes" she proclaimed with vigor (far to much for this early in the morning you thought)

"Good morning Jenna" you said as a response to her exuberant entrance.

"Tis indeed a good morning for today for the first time in many moons the great chef has graced the kitchens to prepare a great feast!"

"Well not such a grand feast as bacon eggs and pancakes but the thought is there" you say while cracking three eggs into a frying pan.

Gracre appears at the door "did somone sat pancakes!?" She Asked excitedly.

"Why yes yes somone did but unfortunately all pancakes have been left to the amazing Jenna and will not be shared with anyone else" said the mentioned woman as she snatched the platter of pancakes and ran from the room followed closely by Grace who was yelling for breakfast and yourself threatening unspeakable things upon her if the breakfast discs were not returned. 

Hi I'm pen man your friendly neighborhood time skip! '¬{°;°}-'

You were on your way back to work after having picked up lunch for youself and one of the people you worked closest with (you had lost the coin toss but they had lost their drink) but as you were walking you noticed a distinct change in the atmosphere So doing as anyone would you looked up.

And decided that you needed mental help.

Because it looked as if a hole had been ripped in the sky and creatures were flying out.

After relizing that people we're screaming and running around you you came to the conclusion that yes there really was a hole in the sky.

That's unfortunate.

No sooner had this thought left your brain than a group of the creatures flew twords the area you were in on some Halo looking hover thingys.

They might be peaceful. You think optimistically-

-right before they start shooting.

Or not.

You're internally debating with yourself as to what your course of action should be when you notice a small boy cowering beside a -rather nice looking- red car terror on his face as three of the creatures advance on him.

So you do the 'smart' thing. "Oi stupids why don't you pick on Simone your own size!" You shout grabbing their attention away from the boy and switching it onto yourself.

One of the fires their- is that a gun or a ripoff faser? Regardless as to what it is they (you can't tell what gene or if they even have one) fire it at you

And hit your bag of food.
"Oh now you've made it personal" you say before spin-kicking the shit out of the one who fired. Before the others can react your already over to the boy who you then pick up and start running.

Upside; you get away

Downside; the kid is really wiggly

You duck into an ally and set the kiss down before asking him where his parents were.

"M-Mommy g-got hit" he said before letting out an awful wail.

You we're about to respond when 'oh shooter of food that you really are looking forward to' appears at the end of the ally.

You can tell it's them because of the dent in the side of his head.
"Did that hurt?" You ask innocently gesturing to the dent.

In response they make a weird chattering noise and I'd joined by 8 more of the creatures.

Well fuck.

They all train their blasty sticks on you and the boy and you relise that there is only one easy out of this.

And doing so would be breaking a promise you had made to yourself at age 5.

But looking at the kid hiding behind you you knew that it couldn't be helped.

The food shooter fires as you throw a hand up and braise yourself incase it doesn't work.

But thankfully it does and all of the blasts seem to be stoped by an invisable wall about 5 feet in front of you.

You move both arms as if shoving a door open and all 9 of the creatures fall over and seem to be unable to get back up.

You turn to the little boy. "Come on"
He follows instantly b but asks; "how did you do that? was that magic? that was so cool! can we go find mama now?"

You let out a laugh and tell him that yes you can try to find his mom.

A few seconds later another creature pops up and fires so you create another shield but notice that the lager you tride to makeit the more tired you become so you shove back and run with the boy

But not even two blocks later your met by more blasty things knowing that you were already semi tired from just blocking a few shots you quickly decided on a new tactic.

Summoning a bunch of tiny shields though these with a transparent blue so you could see them you send them flying through the heads of your attackers causing them to fall dead.

Your 'power' was to create -for lack of better term- force fields. You pick up the boy and start running again until he yells in your ear that 'he sees hims mom.' You imedeatly slide to a halt

"Where is she?" You ask the obviously scared child in your arms amd when he points to a woman who was frantically searching behind cars sibling you quickly cross the street over to the woman.

"Ma'am is this your child?" You ask while assessing her and relise that her arm has been seared off.

Her crys quickly change from ones of despare to ones of relife as she runs over to you and quickly gives the boy a one arm hug.

"Mama what happned to your arm"

The woman looks down at her shiulder as if just noticing the her limb was missing. "One of the aliens tride to shoot a little girl and mama got in the way but I'm okay"

She obviously wasnt okay but was trying to stay strong for her son.

She turned her attention to you next...

Bye bye my little vulcan potatoes
Live long and prosper 🖖

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