chapter 17

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Blame @VacnussyQueen for these next 4 chapters. I dont even know. Sorry.

Your mission was simple.

Get in.

Plant the bombs.

And get the fuck out.

But nooooooooo fate decided to screw with you and send the one gaurd on the third floor right into the room in which you were planting a bomb.

This nice guard went for the 'shoot now, ask later' strategy, much to your dismay and shot begore you had the chance to turn invisable.

Of course you would have heard them if the dumbass agent you were with hadnt been chatering in your ear about exactly how honored they were to work with you, even when you wer'nt one of the more important avengers.

That comment had stung but you had shruged it off.

Shrugging off two bullet wounds, one of which was in your left shoulder and the other in your right leg, was slightly more difficult. But you grit your teeth and dispatch the gaurd before arming the explosive, which was thankfully the last one.

"Agent Christ, I hope your almost clear of the building these bombs are about to detonate." You warn as you hobble through the hallways trying to get to a room with a window.

Finally you find one but glance furiously at the long distance to the ground, but seeing as the detonation time is about ten seconds you wrap your headband around your hand and punch the window out (btw if you are going to break a window go for the corner it breaks easier. And dont ask why I know) once enough glass is cleared you you launch yourself out as best you can and catch your self with a force field that thankfully holds despite your pain.

Unfortunately fate decides that your life needs some more fuck-up and the bombs go off right as you are about to lower yourself to the ground.

"Boom!" "crash!" You fly backwards and headover heals through the air mentally fliping off any deity that may exist for your rotted luck.

With a small "thump" your body lands on the ground as rubble showers over you causing cuts and bruises to instantaneously appear all over you.

Groaning you use your good arm to push yourself onto your feet and hobble as fast as you can away from the demolated building.

Your escape is interupted by the crackling of the comms unit in your ear. "Damnit l/n! You ahould have warned me sooner I barely got out of that building and into the woods before the bombs went off! And I sprained my ankle on a tree root!"

The angry voice of your 'partner' makes you want to rip the tiny speaker out and smash it into a million tiny segments but you refrain from doing so knowing that it wont help your leg in any way. So with an air of resignation you just continue to 'walk' to the rondevous point.

Upon your arrival you notice that Christ has yet to arrive so you take a seat an old sump to wait and rest your foot.

When The shield agent finally does show up, though walking with a overly dramatic limp, he spots you and storms over but before he can say anything you interrupt "What took you so long to get back? I've been waiting for you so we could call to escape!"

His face contorts into an even deeper scowl. "I was injured and had to walk slower for your information."

You give him your best "what in the fucks is wrong with you" stare as you jesture to the bullet wounds. Ignoring whatever he is about to reply with as you switch in your locator and send a message for the escape jet to pick the two of you up. (Though the thought of saying that Christ had been killed in the crosfire does crosses your mind.)

What feels like hours, but in reality was only a minute the jet lands to let the two of you in.

As Christ hobbles in you roll your eyes before taking a seat on one of the many that line the walls of the transport, making sure to be as far away from the di- er that is Christ and the medic.

When the medical assistance finally finishes with Christ and comes over to you, the look off disgust is evident on their face. "Do you have any tolerance for that-" they take a breath "Person?"

Despite The multiple Bullet wounds you laugh. "Not even. It's his fault that I have so many holes in my body"

The medic gives you a look that is either sympathetic or apologetic. "In sorry I didn't get over here sooner, your buddy decided that he needed twelve miles of bandiging for a sprained ankle"

You smile in understanding "Yeah he's a bit dramatic that way."

Pulling their cart of supplies over they let out a disgruntled sound. "A bit? That man had more drama than a teenage girl on her period" they gesture to your leg. "I'll take a look at that first if that's okay"

You nod your consent and help them prop your leg up and watch as they pull the remainder of the cloth from around the wound. Not ten seconds into the inspection your can see the doctors face pale.

"Oh no" you say nervously. "Pale faces are never good whats wrong with me?" You flame down at your leg rip see that the area around the wounds had turned a concerning shade of... Pink?

You return your sight to the medic who's very obviously trying not to panic. "Nothing is wrong with you per say, more with the bullets. It seems that they have a strange acidic-ey poison leaking or of them, but this is just me guessing I can't tell for sure until I run assume tests."

Oh yay. Poison. "Alright. Sounds wonderful but before we do that can we get rid of Christ?" You say in a fake cheerful voice.

They give you a wan smile. "Yeah we can lose him."


Bye Bye my little Vulcan potatoes.
Live long and proposer 🖖

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