I've always wondered

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(Nymphadea POV)

I was sitting near the window a book in my hand.many question came in to my mind"I've always wondered why my name starts with "Nympha",why did Mum died,and why can't i kill someone that hurts my cousin?"i muttered fastly "Ughh,Deaaa someone's trying to sleep over here!"Teddy groaned "It's 6 o'clock in the goddamn morning Teddy" i answered "For a three year old do you think it's neccesary to wake your brother by muttering questions and telling him "it's 6 o'clock in the goddamn morning"?" he asked groggily "Oh shut up Teddy,Gran said there's visitors today so wake the fuck up,get dressed,eat breakfast and then we could play Quidditch if                       you want to"I half-yelled while throwing the bed sheets off Teddy's body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    >Timeskip<

Me and Teddy are eating breakfast but that's before two people in robes greeted Gran and talk to her for a while"Who the fuck are you?"i asked to the female one"Minerva Mcgonagall,and you are who little miss?"Mcgonagall or whatever answered"Nymphadea,and he's Teddy"i said pointing at Teddy who was eating Quaffle Crunch"You could swear?!"the other one asked

Me and Teddy stared at the man and then Teddy (innocently) said"Yes she can,she even wake me up by saying 'it's 6 o'clock in the goddamn morning' every day"
they look surprised by Teddy's answer

"Well,I'm here to tell you that i wanted to adopt you"McGonagall explained"Which one?"me and Teddy asked"Excuse me?"she said"You want the strict,calm,and intelligent one or the cheerful,idiot,and gentle one?"we explained"Which one of you is the Methamorphagus?"the man asked"We're both Methamorphagus"we answered

"The strict, calm, and intelligent one will do"McGonagall said"So, Teddy's also adopted?"I asked"Apparently not"she answered

(Another timeskip)

'So this might be the last time i see this house' i thought. standing in front of my house "Feeling a little blue?"Mcgonagall asked "A little" i answered 

But why do i feel like this is a start of an adventure?

NymphadeaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang