"Hey pretty thang, one of those for me?" pointing at the drinks in her hand. Giggling she hands me one and asks if I'm having a fun time.

"Of FUCKING Course! Thank you for this, it's been such a long time since I've been able to drink and let loose. I am so happy we met, thank you to my coffee addiction!" I shout over the music thudding in the club.

She snakes her arms around me in a hug, "Same Girl, now let's get back to dancing!"

We finish our drinks and head back to the dance floor. I can tell we are really buzzed when we start bumping and grinding on each other and the other dancers on the floor, Kwan being one of them

being one of them

Trigger Warning- Mentions of Sexual Assault

God, I need to pee! I try to hold out as long as possible, but I really need to go to the bathroom.

I make my way to the hallway after telling Hana where I was going and rejecting her offer to go with me. Completing my business, I wash my hands and check myself in the mirror, making sure I'm not trailing TP behind me. It's happened before and boy was that embarrassing. Walking out I crash into someone, and my back is slammed up against the wall and I feel hands roaming over my body.

"STOP" I yell and try to push the person away.

"Come on baby, you know you want this. You've been teasing me all night."

Recognizing the voice as the guy I had been dancing with, I look up and confirm it. Kwan is the man that has me pinned.

"Just because we dance together does not mean you can do this. It is not consent. Now get the fuck off of me!" I tell him while still trying to push him away.

He doesn't let go and it seems like he is getting more aggressive with me. I somehow manage to get enough leverage to shove him away. As I'm trying to run away, he grabs my shirt and trips me down to the ground, ripping it off my body as I fall. I land on my knees, and he shoves my pants down my thighs and tries to insert his fingers in me.

"You bitch! You practically begged for my dick dancing with me. Now shut the fuk up and take it" he growls aggressively in my face and slaps me so hard it makes my ears ring and sends my glasses flying. He starts yanking his pants down and trying to get them undone.


I feel his member touch my ass and I absolutely lose my fucking mind. I start fighting tooth and nail, thrashing about I don't care that I'm also hurting myself. I just want to break free of this horrible nightmare. Suddenly I can hear the roar of music from the dance floor, and I cry out for help.




I hear three different voices and they sound like angels to me. "Please! Help me!" I scream again. I look up and everything is blurry, but I can make out three bodies running towards me, and Kwan is wrenched off of me

"It's okay, we got you. We're here and he can't touch you," one of the angels tells me as he slowly lowers himself to me. Before getting any closer, he tells me that he is going to help fix my clothing.

I'm sobbing so hard the tears are pouring down my face and splashing onto the floor beneath me. All I can do is choke out 'thank you' over and over again to my saviors as one of them slips a sweater over my shoulders to cover up my torn shirt.

"Is it ok for me to hold you?" one angel asks me, and I nod my head because I can no longer speak from crying so hard. I'm cradled in his arms, being rocked slowly and I can hear a struggle behind us.

"Call the police! This fucker needs to be punished!" one tells the other. "HOW- DARE- YOU- FUCKING-DO-THAT!-WOMEN-SHOULD-BE-TREATED-WITH- RESPECT!" after each word I hear a hard wet thud.

I try looking around for my glasses so I can finally see my rescuers when the man comforting me whispers, "Shh, you don't need to see this. Let's walk out and talk to the police."

"Oh God, thank you for saving me. I can't see though. Can you help me find my glasses?" I managed to get out. He starts looking around and I think he spots them because he tells me to stay exactly where I am as he gets up and walks away. I hug myself while I wait, listening to the sounds of the struggle behind me, and somewhere to the side I can hear one of the other men on the phone with emergency personnel.

My glasses come into view and are gently placed on my face. Finally able to see, I look up to see his face and feel lightheaded. I must have hit my head hard while fighting because none other than Kim Taehyung is standing right in front of me. I freeze immediately from shock so he gently places his hands on my arms to turn me around toward the exit. As he slowly leads me out, I finally register the other two men in the room. Park Jimin is the one calling the authorities and none other than Golden Maknae Jeon Jungkook beating the shit out of my would-be rapist.

I really start to feel lightheaded and as I make eye contact with Jimin, he starts coming towards me and says "Shit! I think she is going to pass out." The dizziness becomes staggering as I make eye contact with Jimin. He must be able to tell I'm about to faint because I can hardly make out is his wonderful angelic voice exclaiming, "shit! I think she's about to pass out!"

And I do as I see him reach out to me.

A/N:A big thank you to my editor DeDeBee3 ❤️

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A big thank you to my editor DeDeBee3 ❤️

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