Emotional Conflict

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*Andy's POV*
I stand off of side stage watching Ophelia and her bland playing their set. I was curious to hear them live, and to see what the hype was about. They have a hold over the crowd that not many new bands can easily achieve in such a short amount of time. I can see why they are gaining so much recognition. They have chemistry, and passion, and they move together smoothly. My arms are folded over my chest as I watch. Ophelia is banging away on her kit, not a care in the world, just happy to be there. I'm happy to see that she is feeling somewhat better after the last 2 days that she's been trying to recover.

"Great, aren't they?!" I yell to Cc who is standing beside me. He also wanted to see Ophelia play, being a drummer himself he wanted to see what the hype was about. He's tapping his fingers to the rhythm on the railing of the stairs leading up to the stage.

"She fuckin rocks!! I can see why you like her!" He yells back, really getting into the music. I could have sworn he was about to jump up there and join her.

"Who says I like her!?" I question Cc. I do, like her. More than I probably should having known nothing about her, or who she even was just a short 3 days ago.

"Come on man, you can't fool me. It's me!!!"

I ignore his comment and continue watching the show. Smiling whenever I'd see her smile.

*Ophelia's POV*

I saunter down the stairs off stage and round a corner around some equipment set up on the grass at the ground level.

"You KILLED it up there!" A shout from a man  infront of me says. I look up and see Cc and Andy standing in front of me. Cc has his hand up in a rock and roll sign.

"Thank you! Did you guys watch the whole set?" I ask as we walk away from the cheering and chatter of the crowd waiting for the next band to come up on the stage. Jasper, Sebastian and Tommy following behind, talking amongst themselves.

"Most of it, we got here after the first 3 minutes. You guys really are the shit." Cc responds, and giving me a fist bump.

"Thanks bro, it means alot coming from you, honestly." Sebastian chimes in from behind me and I nod in agreement. Andy slows down to walk beside me, a cold water bottle in his hand.

"Drink, you gotta stay hydrated in this heat." He says pushing the water bottle into my direction. I smile as I take it and chug the whole thing.

"Did you like the set?" I ask him as I toss the bottle into a trash can as we walk by it. Securtiy following infront, on the sides and behind us to guide us to the back lot.

"Loved it. Looks like you were really enjoying yourself up there."

"Well I hope so, I wouldn't want to look miserable. Hey whatre you up to later? After your set?" I ask him, hoping he has no plans and might be free to hangout.

"Did you want to come see? I'm just going to be around, how come?" He looks down at me like he's been waiting for me to ask him that question.

"Just wondering. Making conversation." I smirk and shrug my shoulders.

"If you want to hangout with me, just ask. I know I can be intimidating but, I promise I don't bite." He pulls on his lip with his teeth a little bit and it gives me small butterflies in my stomach. I blush.

"If you're asking me to hangout then the answer is yes." I tease and he laughs and nods his head.

"Cool. I'll see you at the set then." He smiles to himself as he and Cc branch off and head to their stage. I decided to go back to the bus and quickly get more presentable before heading to see them play.

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