Don't Hold Your Tongue

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*Andy's POV*
I stand outside the Pierce The Veil bus, leaning against the side of it taking a drag from my cigarette. I switch between taking a puff and taking a sip while a wide variety of band members from different bands hang out, shooting the shit as the sun starts to reach golden hour.

"....She was so fine bro, I swear to god I would've fucked the shit out of her if she hadn't wrapped her chompers around my dick and scraped it like she was trying to eat corn on the cob." I catch the last of Ronnie's story as he's telling it to the group, everyone laughing. I look up at him, my eyebrows raised and a smirk forming on my lips.

"Ronnie man, you're so full of shit." I laugh at his outlandish story and flick my cigarette at him. He opens his leather jacket and rubs it against his shoulders, back and forth in a shimmy and sticks his tongue out crazily.
"Nah I'm just playing man, she sucked that shit real good." He says, letting go of his jacket and grabbing his junk.

"You're disgusting." Vic chimes in as we all make fun of Ronnie's antics. I raise my bottle to that and take a swig of the whiskey. It was nothing new to us, we had been dealing with this psychiatric mother fucker for years. You just learn to roll with the punches. He was funny, I have to admit, some of the things that come out of his mouth are hilarious, even if he is disgusting.

I see black and red hair out of the corner of my eye and then Ash's face comes into view. She nudges my arm and grabs the whiskey bottle from my hand, takes a gulp and passes it back.

"Sure, help yourself Ash." I say sarcastically and shake my head. She shoots me a toothy smile.

"May I?" An unfamiliar voice asks from behind Ash. Not realizing Ash had brought someone, it startled me and I turn my head behind me and see a shorter girl with pink hair and goregous blue eyes. I smile at her and shove the bottle in her direction over my shoulder.

"Only because you asked." Her fingers graze mine as she grabs the bottle and brings it to her lips. Tilting her head back slightly she takes a few sips before giving it back. I give Ash a 'See, some people have manners' expression and she just shrugs her shoulder and then steps aside to let this girl into the circle.

"Andy, this is Ophelia. You heard of that band Purple Rain, right?" Ash introduces me to Ophelia and I stick my hand out for her to shake. She takes it and shakes.

"Yeah, it's a newer one right? The one all the kids are raving about these days? Great band." I respond, turning more towards Ash and Ophelia now.

"Right, well, meet the drummer. Ophelia this is Andy, you know that already though I'm sure." Ash assumes, feeding into my already huge ego. I bite my lip, waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry? I don't actually think I do know him. What band are you from?" She asks, looking at Ash with confusion, and then back at me.

"Oh come on?! Andy Biersack?! Black Veil Brides?! Helloooo? What's wrong with you?" Ash's mouth is open wide, completely in shock. I stare at her intently, and then when Ophelia lets a smile tug at her lips, I smile as well.

"I'm fucking with you man, I know who Andy is." Ophelia pushes Ash's shoulder in a playful way and Ash clicks her tongue and then rolls her eyes with a small laugh. "Gotta hurt his pride every once in a while."

"I knew you knew," I wag my finger at her, the whiskey in the bottle sloshing around as I do so. "Purple Rain, great tunes though. You're really the drummer? I've listened to a few of your songs, you're incredible." I compliment her musical ability.

"Yeah, well, ain't nothing but a thing, really." She says, mockingly faning herself, and then tucking her hand beneath her shoulder length hair and flipping it.

"Cocky, are we?" I raise an eyebrow at her, can't help but to smirk. She isn't shy, that much I do know. Even if it's only been 5 minutes of being around the girl.

"Says Andy Biersack," She pretends to fan girl over me before returning back to her original stature, "the king of cockiness?" She asks genuinely, tilting her head slightly to the right and narrowing her eyes on me. Ash watches Ophelia and I's interaction and looks entertained.

"I think I might've found the girl version of you, Andy." Ash interjects, as she looks back between the both of us.

"What can I say, I have admirers." I say with a sly smile, looking over the bottle at Ophelia as I take another shot from my bottle.

"Admirer? Me?! Please, I don't idolize average people." She shoots back and I clutch my heart like she's wounded me, keeling over and spitting out my drink theatrically.

"I'm hurt." I say in a raspy voice as I stand back up right. I was enjoying the cheeky banter back and forth, she was actually pretty cool to come in as the new girl and make a lasting impression. I'm thoroughly impressed.

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