Gifts For The Road

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*Andy's POV*
I felt, for a moment, only for a moment, that I wanted to, no. Needed, to show some sort of affection or comfort to Ophelia. I know she was okay, and that she was just hungover, and catching an early tour cold, but something inside me told me it felt natural to want to reach my hand out, lay it on her cheek and rub small circles. I pushed that feeling down deep inside. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, or make it seem like I was trying to make an advance. I guess, in a sense I was, in a gentle way, but I don't think that it would've been appropriate.
I decide to order an uber and head to the nearest wallgreens or cvs to get some supplies for Ophelia. As I wait for the uber Ronnie walks past me, probably heading back to party after a set or signing.

"Hey hey whats up man?" He says as he notices me standing at the end of the bus lot. Patting my back roughly as he stops to talk.

"Not much, just heading out to get some things from Wallgreens, you just coming back from a signing?" I ask, noticing he's too calm and not at all sweaty enough to have just come off stage.

"Nah man, just did an interview, you gonna make it back in time for your set?" Ronnie asks looking down at his phone to check the time.

"Yeah I should be, it's not too far from here just gotta pick up some medicine, pedialyte, and soup, won't take me long. You gonna be hanging around tonight?" I check the progress of my uber and its nearing my location.

"You getting sick? Or stocking up for the first wave of it?"

"Ophelia. She's feeling under the weather today. She didn't look so great after her set not so long ago, so I thought I'd get some things for her. And the rest of the band, they'll probably be first since they live close quarters. Just extend a helping hand for their 1st warped tour experience."

Ronnie chuckles at what I say, and throws an arm over my right shoulder, shaking my body a little bit.

"Andy, do you... do you want to tap that?" He gasps and then gives a devilish smile. I shrug his arm off and roll my eyes.

"Don't be a pig Ron." I laugh as I shove him. My uber pulls up next to me and I flip him off before hopping into the car and giving the driver the destination. He pulls away and I am on my way to the store.

*Ophelia's POV*
Allowing myself to come to and wake up after my alarm chimed in my ear, nearly taking out my eardrums, I finally feel well enough to get out of bed. I open my bedroom door and go to step out but my foot catches something plastic and I look down to see some Wallgreens bags sat on the floor in the door way. I pick them up and a note is attached to one of the bags. I open the paper and read it.
Ophelia, hopefully this helps you, and the rest of the band over the next couple days. The first 2 weeks are always the toughest. Welcome to Warped.
I smile at the care package that Andy made for us on behalf of the band. It was sweet of him to go out of his way to do that for us. I leave the note in my room and bring the bags out front, finding Jasper and Tommy sitting in the lounge.

"I'm sick so Black Veil Brides gave us a welcome to warped gift." I announce lifting the bags for them to see. I put the bags on the counter and start removing the items and storing them in the fridge and the cabinets.

"I'd say thank you but I'm not appreciative of it means I'm going to be sick. Dick." Tommy mutters and groans. I just ignore his complaints.

"That was nice of them though, to do that." Jasper offers some more positivity to my words, and nods his head with approval as he eats some food that he probably got from the vendors.

"Anyways, I'm making some soup and going to watch some movies on the couch tonight so I'm not going to be going out bus hopping with you guys, or drinking." I feel as if I should make it clear that I am down for the count today.

"Lame. You should be rallying. This is our 1st warped, do you really want to miss out on all the fun?" Tommy jokes.

"If you want a drummer tomorrow, then yes Tom, I really, REALLY do want to miss out on the fun tonight." I look over my shoulder at him as I heat up some soup and give him an eyebrow raise.

"Baby." Tommy continues, not wanting to let go. I grab a chip clip off of a bag of chips and throw it behind me, hoping it'll hit him in the head. It does, and the thud it makes as it comes into contact with him is slightly satisfying.

The soup is done shortly after and the guys don't waste anytime getting out of the bus to go and drink. I get a bowl and pour the soup in, and dig in the fridge for a gatorade. I grab my food and drink of choice for the night and sit on the couch, wrapping a blanket around me and turning the small tv on to watch whatever movies they have programmed to the bus. I finally decide on The Breakfast Club, and tuck into my soup.

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