The Aftermath

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This is the same chapter as the one posted with Hero Hunter Deku.

"You got your ass handed to you." A familiar voice said with a faint smile.

"What did you expect to happen! He's the number one freaking hero!" Eri yelled as she ruffled her hair.

A sudden hand on her shoulder caused her to stop as she turned around to find her mentors calming eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't even lay a scratch on him." Eri said faintly as she fell into Izukus chest.

"It's ok Eri. I didn't expect much being 100% honest." Izuku said with a small chuckle.

Hearing those words caused Eri to scrunch her brow in confusion and push away from the man.

"Wait hold on, you didn't expect much from me?"

"No." Izuku said bluntly with a smile.

"THEN WHY DID YOU TELL ME TO GO AFTER HIM!" Eri yelled as she threw a well aimed jab at Izuku's head.

Izuku frowned and caught her fist stoping her dead in her tracks.

"Damnit why are you so much stronger then me." Eri huffed out as she attempted to break through Izukus defense.

"Cause I've had an extreme amount of training beat into me and I've gone toe to toe with some of the greats." Izuku reasoned as he lifted Eri off the ground and sent a kick into her gut causing the girl to fly backwards.

"OOF" The girl let out as she slammed into dirt.

Before she could push herself up she felt her body go light as she looked up to find Izuku lifting her from her shirt collar.

"Eri it takes time to climb the stairs to the top. You can't expect that just learning the water flowing rock crushing fist technique would put you above everyone did you?" Izuku asked as he put the girl down.

"Well duh! Isn't that how you became number one?"

"Not even close squirt." Izuku said with a frown.

The green haired boy stepped closer to the girl until he was standing right in front of her. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Eri I told you to go after Kacchan just to test you. You've got guts not only going to attack the number one hero but also some in the top ten! You've made me so proud."

Eri couldn't help but feel tears starting to build up in her eyes. She quickly latched onto her mentor as the tears started to roll down her face.

"I miss you so much Izuku." Eri said inbetween sobs.

Izuku slowly moved backwards and met her crying face with a smile.

"I miss you too kid. Not a day goes by where I wish I was back on earth with you and my mom."

Eri stayed quiet until she had finished crying.

"What was your dream again?" Eri asked as she wiped her eyes.

Izuku looked at the girl confused.

"You already know the answer to that Eri."

"Say it."

Izuku let out a groan before responding.

"I wanted to tear down hero society and make a world where anyone regardless of having a quirk or not could live together without discrimination."

Eri smiled at her older brothers words.

"I think I found my dream too."

"And what's that?"

"I'm going to make all those hero's pay for what they did to you and while I'm at it, I'm gonna bring you back to life." Eri said with a big smile.

But the girls smile slowly started to fade as the look on her brothers face wasn't the same as hers.

Instead his face only had a frown on it.

"You've still got a lot to learn Eri." Izuku spoke as he turned around and walked away as Eri's world faded into darkness.

Bakugos world snapped to black only to quickly be replaced by a blinding white light.

"OI WHAT THE FUCK!" The blond screamed as he quickly wiped his eyes.

As his vision started to return to him he could make out the faint outline of a person standing in front of him.

It only too a matter of seconds for him to realize where he was and who the person in front of him was.

"What the fuck deku. Dragging me back to this weird as place."

"Trust me I don't want to do this anymore then you."

"Ya then why the fuck did you bring me back here then? Is it because I hospitalized your so called apprentice?" Bakugo asked as he approached his childhood rival.

"No I very much expected you to do that. I'm surprised that you weren't rougher on her to be honest. When we were kids you never pulled a single punch on me."

"Ya that's because you could take it. Not many people nowadays can go toe to toe with me at full force." Bakugou said with a smirk.

"That's only because of that broken quirk your old ass mentor gave you and you know it."

Bakugou felt his blood pleasure flair up at Izukus comment,

"MOTHER FUCKER!" The blond yelled as he threw his hands forward and let out a massive blast.

A hand suddenly touched his left shoulder causing the explosion user to drop his arms. But that didn't remain for long as Bakugou rapidly turned around and threw a right hook directly into Izukus cheek.

"Dumbass! I don't care if you insult me or my quirks, but don't you ever go disrespecting All Might!" Bakugou yelled as he stood over Izuku.

Izuku looked up at the blond and smirked as he pushed himself off the ground.

"I got a favor to ask you." Izuku said bluntly.

As the words left his mouth, Izuku couldn't help but feel weird. He would have never imagined those words coming from him, and neither did Bakugou.

"What?" Bakugou responded hesitantly.

"Eri's got her motives all twisted up. She thinks she can take down hero society and finish what Garou and I started."

"Pshh like that pipsqueak could ever pull that off and speaking of your mentor where the fuck is he? You two are usually attached at the hip." Bakugo said with a grin.

"Eh I see him from time to time. He spends most of time now with his old sensei who sadly joined us within the past couple of years. But more importantly you've got it all wrong Kacchan."

"The fuck does that mean?"

"Eri would have no problem finishing off hero society if she had the proper training. It's the second thing motivating her that needs to be fixed."

"And what's that?"

"Shes going to try and bring me back from the dead."

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