As I find Arthur, firework begin going off. The two of us watch the fireworks light up the sky. "Wow," I mutter. Arthur looks down at me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder. "It's beautiful, ain't it?" He mumbles. I nod. "Maybe this party isn't so bad after all,"

As we walk out of the party, we collected our guns from the front. Arthur whistles for Harmony. "What? Is the wagon too good for you?" Dutch asks. Arthur chuckles. "No. I just wanna spend some time with my daughter," Dutch chuckles. "Alright then. See you two back at camp," Arthur get on Harmony. Just as Arthur is about to help me on, I feel a nudge. I turn around to find a beautiful red dun overo Mustang. "Well, hello there, boy," I mutter as I pet his muzzle. "Where'd you come from?" I questioned. I feel some paper on his chest. I grab it, reading it. "What's it say?" Arthur asks. I smile to myself. This is Acksel. You can keep him for now until Salem is healed. -V "It's uh... It's Venom. She's letting me borrow one of her horses until Salem can get back on her feet," Arthur stares at me as I pet Acksel. "You like this girl, don't you?" I look at him. "What? What are you talking about?" I mount Acksel as the two of us begin walking. "It's pretty obvious, kid," I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Wait... no... you love her!" Arthur begins teasing me. "Come on, Dad. That's ridiculous. I barely know her," Arthur chuckles. "I've watched you grow into a beautiful young woman, Elisa. I've seen you at your best and I've seen you at your worst. And the way you look at her, the way you talk about her... I've never seen you be as smitten as you are with Venom," I sigh. "You're full of it, Dad," He smiles. "If we ever find peace after all this Pinkerton business... you have my blessing to be with her," I glance at him before chuckling. "Well, hopefully, we won't all be dead," He chuckles. "That is the dream," My smile falters. Arthur glances at me. "You alright?" I look at him, tears stinging my eyes. "Sanity won't be alive much longer, Dad," I whisper. "You'll find something to help him," I shake my head. "He won't even take the tonics anymore. He's going to die and I... can't do anything," Arthur reaches out to me. "Sweetheart, you can't always save him. Right now... all we can do is just spend as much time with him as we can. He still has a good year or so. Which is why he's restricted you from going out without him," I shake my head, chuckling. "I guess you have a point,"

Once we make it to camp, things are tense. Diablo stands over Sanity. "No, I couldn't stop him! He knocked me out!" Arthur and I got off our horses quickly. "Arthur, Elisa," Dutch walks over to us. "I shouldn't have made you two come. Or at least have one of you stay. I didn't think about it!" I notice blood dripping from Diablo's mouth and nose. "What the fuck?" I walk over to Diablo. He whinnies loudly. "Whoa, Diablo," He shakes his head. I look down at Sanity. "You two will be okay, Diablo. But I gotta clean your wound," I tell him. He shakes his head vigorously, throwing blood everywhere. "Diablo, you helped me when I was hurt. Let me help you, please," I look at him pleadingly. Dutch, Arthur, and Hosea watch as I try to convince Diablo to let me help. He stares at me, his whinnies getting softer. He slightly nods his head hesitantly. I quickly got out my medical things, tending to Diablo's wound and making sure nothing was broken. "Dutch, this is getting out of hand. Micah needs to go," Dutch sighs. "Look, he's a piece of shit but he's–" "Hurting our children," Hosea exclaims. Dutch stares at him in shock. "He has beaten Sanity every single day since Rosie died. He raped Elisa. He pushes around little Rose. He needs to go before he ends up killing our kids," Hosea tells him before walking back to the house. Dutch looks over at Diablo, Sanity, and I. Diablo was cleaned up and was standing a little a ways from me and Sanity. I was helping Sanity to his room. "Stop touching me," He whines. "Oh, tell it to someone who cares," I state as I help him back to the house.

Once Sanity was in his bed, I stare down at him. "What happened?" He scoffed. "What do you think? Micah happened," Sanity states. "He did that to Diablo?" He shakes his head. "Baylock did it," I sigh. "That poor horse. Forced to hurt his own offspring. He's more aggressive lately..." Sanity stares up at the ceiling. "Where'd you get the mustang?" I look at him. "White haired woman," Sanity raises an eyebrow before humming. "Get some rest, San," I tell him before leaving his room.

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