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"Why do I have to go, and Sanity gets to stay?" I question as Arthur and I walk out of the house in formal clothing. Arthur turns to me. "This is a great way for you to enjoy yourself, kid," I shake my head. "How am I supposed to enjoy myself in this stupid dress?" He chuckles. "Take it. Come on, now,"

Bill, Dutch, Arthur, Hosea and I are all in a wagon to the Garden party at Saint Denis. The men are laughing together. "Look at us, clean and dressed up!" "What's the point in this party anyway?" I ask, envying Sanity at this moment. "We're here to make real contacts," Dutch says. "What kind of contacts?" Arthur asks. "I don't know. We're going to a party where the guest of Honor is the biggest crook of them all!" All the men laugh as we make it to the Mayor's house. "Gentlemen, and lady. I'm afraid the Mayor won't allow any guns into the party. Not after last year's incident," Everyone starts detaching their gun belts. "Luca here, will take you to Mr. Bronte. I believe he is expecting you," "Follow me, gentlemen and Madam," Luca says as he leads us to Bronte.

As Luca leads us, Dutch turns to Hosea and Bill. "Hosea, Bill. Join the party. We'll meet you out back after we pay our respects to Mr. Bronte," Hosea and Bill leave, leaving Dutch, Arthur, and I. Luca leads us out to a balcony, where Bronte is there with a group of people. "Ah, the angry cowboys and the pretty lady that follows, you've arrived. And you've washed!" Bronte begins speaking Italian. "This is quite a party you've invited us to," Dutch tells him as they shake hands. "Yes, quite something," Dutch looks down at the party, the rest of us follow. "Although, I'm not sure what," Bronte says. "So... this is Saint Denis high society," Dutch states. "Yes, apparently so," Angelo says. "And all these people, th-these are friends of yours, Signor Bronte?" Dutch inquires. "No, no, no. Not quite. Not quite. But they are certainly afraid of me. Like that one," He points to man in a top hat and glasses. "See that wretch? He's the mayor. Henri Lemeuir. He'll do anything for a dollar. And I mean, anything," Angelo chuckles. "Politics is a foul business," Dutch says. "Yes. Ah, and that one too. That one is Alberto Fussar. He owns a sugar plantation out on the island and he comes out here to whore and despoil himself," Angelo explains. "Oh, oh! The redskins," The insult flames my blood as he points to two men, laughing. "I have no sympathy for them because whoever is stupid enough to get tricked by the Americans... they get what they deserve," Dutch glances at me. I'm staring at the two men below, my fist clenched. "Yes, hand a letter to the mayor. That'll save you," Bronte laughs. "All these Vulgar people. They hate me," He exclaims something in Italian. "Well, uh, it has been wonderful conversing with you. But I can tell that you are very busy and I won't waste your time anymore," Dutch says. "Ah. Enjoy yourselves and mingle with these vulgar scum," Bronte says. "It'll make you long for the days when you could shoot each other and screw cows out on the open range," Dutch smiles politely. "Those sure were the days. Good day gentlemen," "Good day to you. But before you go, what exactly are your plans here?" Bronte asks. "Well, we didn't have any... well... we are going to need some money," "Money... yes, of course. Well, there's money at the trolley station. They keep a lot of cash there every day. Now, I could not involve myself in such matters, but you, pft. As a guest, yes! As my guest, ah, do it! Eh," He chuckles. "Okay, good day, gentlemen," "Goodbye," We walk back inside and to the party. "I fucking hate that guy," I mutter as we head downstairs. "I know, dear. I know. But he has given us some good intel on that trolley station. We won't deal with him for long,"

Once we make it out to Hosea and Bill, Dutch starts spewing orders. "Hosea, you find us somewhere to rob. Arthur, go find the mayor and stay out of trouble. And don't steal anything... unless it's information. And Elisa, dear..." Dutch glances out into the crowd. "Do what you need to do," I nod. The four of us go out and do as we're told.

I walk around the party, only to be stopped by the two men mentioned by Bronte. "Excuse me... my name is Rains Fall and this is my son, Eagle Flies," I smile at them. "Hi. I'm Elisa," "It's not often we get to see our kind at these kinds of parties," Rains Fall explains. "It's not often I get to see our kind, period," Rains Fall chuckles. "Your tribe... it's in Wapiti, right?" Eagle Flies looks at me suspiciously. "Why, yes we are," "Why are you hanging out with their kind?" Eagle Flies spat, gesturing towards Arthur and Dutch. "Eagle Flies..." Rains Fall scolds. "I'm sorry about my son," I shake my head. "Don't worry about it," I look at him. " I was abandoned by my birth parents. Word was they left me in hopes I would live a different life. They were killed shortly after. The bigger man... well... he took me in. He's the one who found me. And the other man... he's family," Eagle Flies' attitude disappears quickly. "I'm very sorry," I smile at them. "It was nice talking with the two of you. I wish you all the luck," I tell them before walking away to find Arthur.

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