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"Awesome doesn't even begin to describe good old mystic falls."malia said before her eyes began to wonder to see her brother in law looking at her smirking before pressing a finger to his lips.

"Can we stop the curse from being broken at
all?" Damon tilts his head.
"What do you mean?" Slater asks confused.
"Well, if we make the moonstone useless,
would it stop the curse from being broken?"
Damon furthers questions. "Well, yeah, probably, but why would you want to do that?" Slater asked still confused. "Tell me how." Damon demand. "You think I'm gonna help you figure out how to do something that will piss off an original,and keep them from waking in the son"he said as he crossed his arms.

"You want to walk in the sun? We can make
that happen if you help us."Damon says.
Just as he said that Elijah throws the coins at the window causing the windows break. Slater and Rose's skin starts burning. Rose began to scream.Damon and malia look outside but Elijah's gone. Slater runs. Rose's face is burned.Damon puts his on Rose's face and takes her get out the back of the coffee shop.

While other customers are also rushing out the back door into the parking lot. He carries her to the car and puts her in the back of the car.Malia decided to helps some of the vampire customers that don't have daylight rings. She's makes the sun go behind the cloud while bringing customer's into the parking lot. Before heading to where she knew Elijah would be going.


Once she arrived she could hear slater and Elijah talking " Thanks, I have a degree in theater. How can you compel me? A vampire can't compel another vampire."she heard slater asked which caused her to let out a quiet chuckle.

"I'm a special vampire.'" I hear Elijah answer.
"Why?Because your an original?"She tease as she entered the room. He looks at her in surprise but relief that she was okay, "did you follow me here" Elijah asked smirking at the girl, "well I do know you Elijah after all I am your sister,you can continue know don't stop in my account"she said taking a seat.

"Now I want you take this and drive it
through your heart." Elijah gives him a stake.
Slater takes it. "But that would kill me forever." Slater states shaking."I know." Elijah states taking a step forwards to compel him.
"But it's necessary."and with that Slater drives the stake through his heart. He falls on the floor, dead.

"Humm you changed Elijah I like it." She said smirking slightly and he sent her a smile as a guy can be seen behind Elijah.
"Jonas, Malia.Malia meet Jonas." Elijah
introduces."Klaus and kols wife." Jonas states.
"Not their wife." She said shaking her head with a smile at the memories.
"You practically are." Elijah shrugs.
"Was that really necessary?" Jonas ask looking at Slater's dead body.
"It had to be done. He delivered his message.
Won't be long now." Elijah and him share a

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