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"And you're sure that Elijah's dead?" Slater
grabs his coffee. Lia slightly roll her eyes at the question knowing that not matter what she says Damon's big ego couldn't take it.
"Beyond dead." Damon drags out 'dead'.

"Trevor was a good man, helped me with my
dissertation on sexual deviance in the
baroque period. I was going for my psych
phd." Slater explained as we all sat down at a
table next to the window.

" Slater's been in college since '74." Rose sat
with her back to the window. " Hey Slay-."
"It's Slater." He interrupts.
"Yeah no I don't really care. Can you stop talking so my brother can explain why we're here."malia glare at him.
" We need your help." Rose interrupts for the
thousandth time she's been here." If someone wanted to get in touch with Klaus, how would you hook em up?"

"this is what we came for are you serious"malia
whisper loudly to Damon. He doesn't know she has Klaus's number. Damon nods like it
means nothing at all."Craigslist." Slater motions to the computer.Malia chuckle to myself.

"You sure?" Damon said as his eye squinted.
"Seriously. I respond to a personal ad that
gets sent to somebody who knows somebody,
who knows Elijah, who's dead and that's
where my connection ends." Slater nods
staring at Damon.
"So we came here for nothing great just great." Malia said sarcastically as her eyes rolled in annoyance.

In front of the coffee shop, a man stops in
front of a man who's playing guitar. He gives
him $100 and takes some of his coins. He
Pushed the coins into his other hand which is
wearing a ring. It was Elijah. He looks at Slater,
Damon,malia and roes. He chuckeled ti himself for a moment hearing her remark.oh how he missed her


"See here's what I don't get: Elijah moved around during the day, which means the
originals knew the secret of the day ring. Now
why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the
sun and the moon?" Damon asked.This is we're malia decided to play dumb and shut her mouth.As no matter how much Klaus hurts her she couldn't betray him or kol.

"To keep the werewolves from lifting it. If a vampire breaks the sun curse then the
werewolves are stuck with the curse of the
moon forever and vice versa. " Slater says not
knowing his knowledge was wrong.Malia bit her tongue and internally laughed.
"But werewolves are extinct." Rose sits up.
"That's what you think. During my time I've
met a few werewolves."Malia took a sip of her milk shake before listening to the conversation again.

"Look, I've never seen one but rumor has
it...." Slater starts only for Damon to cut in.
"Not much of a rumor." Damon cuts in.
"Mystic Falls? God, I've got to visit this place.
It sounds awesome." Slater smiles in amazement not knowing Elijah is still in front
of the coffee shop listening to everything.

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