Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

The four continued to move around, investigating this new world. Dain for his part, seemed fascinated. Rider was still wondering what had happened, what did that artifact do?

"What the heck did that artifact do?" Rider pondered "Why did it take us to, wherever this place is.."

Dain kept making quick glances towards Horse, to make sure she's ok. Taran looked at her as well.

Horse was, not exactly fine, sure she seemed calm on the surface, but she was a bundle of nerves on the inside. All of this was happening so fast, she could not believe it. First they were at that cliff, then they fell, a strange light and now they are here.

"Where are we?" she thought to herself, "At least I have Dain, Rider and Taran with me in this weird place.."

"Horse?" Rider asked.

"Yeah?" Horse smiled at her.

"Are you sure that you're ok?" Rider petted her mane.

The mare smiled as her rider petted her, it always made her feel at ease. Even now at a time like this.

Horse smiled "Yeah, I am.".

Rider smiled back at her, Taran smiled as well. Dain gave his mate a kiss on the cheek. She gave him a grateful smile.

"I always have loved that smile of yours Horsie," Dain smiled back "I cannot think of anything that was more beautiful."

"Thanks Dain." Horse blushed while smiling.

The companions continued onward, taking in the sights as they moved forward. They noticed how hear, the mountains had all seemed oddly shaped.

They looked like creatures, Taran on his part could of sworn that he saw a minotaur nearby. He shook his head, then noticed it was gone.

Dain glanced at him for a second, but said nothing. To him, this whole place seemed amazing, yet unreal. The stallion never thought such a place existed.

"This is a peculiar place, isn't it Horsie?"

"You said it Dain," the mare replied to her mate.

"Everything here is so odd.." Horse's eyes darted all over the place.

This all felt weird to her, it felt so peaceful; oddly it was overwhelming to Horse. There had to be enemies around somewhere.

She had seen too much to believe that she and her treasured companions could be in such a peaceful area. Especially as shortly before, they had all basically been up to their necks in minotaurs.

"I always have loved that smile of yours Horsie," Dain smiled back "I cannot think of anything that was more beautiful."

"Thanks Dain." Horse blushed while smiling.

The companions continued onward, taking in the sights as they moved forward. They noticed how hear, the mountains had all seemed oddly shaped.

They looked like creatures, Taran on his part could of sworn that he saw a minotaur nearby. He shook his head, then noticed it was gone.

Dain glanced at him for a second, but said nothing. To him, this whole place seemed amazing, yet unreal. The stallion never thought such a place existed.

"This is a peculiar place, isn't it Horsie?"

"You said it Dain," the mare replied to her mate.

"Everything here is so odd.." Horse's eyes darted all over the place.

This all felt weird to her, it felt so peaceful; oddly it was overwhelming to Horse. There had to be enemies around somewhere.

She had seen too much to believe that she and her treasured companions could be in such a peaceful area. Especially as shortly before, they had all basically been up to their necks in minotaurs.

"BUTT DOOR!" she yelled, her voice echoing.

All of a sounding, the mare rears in fear. Rider holds on tightly as Horse had gotten up on her hind legs. She sounded terrified.

"Whoa Horse, it's ok." Rider tried to calm her down to no avail.

Taran and Dain both looked concerned for Horse, as did Rider. All Horse could do was say butt door.

It was not just that odd door though, it was everything. The door was merely a trigger. Without warning, Horse bolted away as Rider held on.

Taran and Dain followed after the two of them quickly. Horse was overcome by all of the strangeness around her.

She kept shouting butt door. The others were all worried for her.

Soon she ran across a bridge, as Dain and Horse followed her. Two fishtaurs out of the water, looking up at the four. They were a mother and child.

The child asked "Mommy, who were they?"

"I don't know, probably some kind of weirdoes" The mother looked forward.

Horse hears a giggling beside her, looking down to see an appletaur. The four look surprised by this.

"Hello!" the appletaur said cheerfully.

This was another surprising sight. The horses had never thought they'd ever see a living apple before. Neither did their riders.

After looking down at the appletaur the four look forward to see another creature with two arms and four legs.

Horse finally stops as does Dain. The creature seems to be afraid of the group. She shakes a bit.

"Stranger danger." she said, sounding fearful.

"What?" Horse sounded confused.

"What are, I mean," Rider shook her head "who are you?"

The creature remained silent. She was trembling.

"Are you ok? Do you understand us?" Dain asked.
"It's OK, we aren't going to hurt you." Taran got down from Dain.

He moved forward to the creature who looked frightened by him. Taran was wondering who she was, how could she talk like that other person.

Little did the group know, that someone was lurking in the bushes behind them right now. Horse stared at the creature infront of them. Rider wondered if she was friend or foe.

That's the end of chapter 2. Please R and R.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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