Since Leo and Alex weren't giving up so easily I had to. I just had to. I shot 2 to 3 bullets in the air.

And damn. To my surprise, they actually do stop.
"Will you guys for fuck s sake stop? Alex you." I point my finger at Alex and continue my shittalk.
" I'll explain what's going on but you have no fucking right to do anything before you know the whole story."

I point my finger at leo now.
"And you Leo. He s making you lose your temper and you're doing EXACTLY that. He might be wrong but you don't need to do the same."

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and start shaking my head because of the disappointment I got.

"Now that you're done ranting rey. Can I please know why the fuck do you know them and more importantly how and when?"

"See. When I called you from my bracelet, that was the first time I had ever seen them. We talked okay, we had a talk but I was totally against them I mean I still am but that doesn't mean I'll let you kill them. I know what you're thinking and yes I do know that they were to kidnap me but they couldn't, I'm still standing in front of you...right here. Now do whatever you want with them, but if you kill them or if there is any serious injury. I'm gone."

Leo was a little surprised by what I said and Alex was totally acting speechless n whateva- but he eventually gave in, I explained all the shit that had happened in the past days to Alex. Leo interrupted me in between-

"We'll have to take Reyna, Alex. I don't care if she agrees or not, it's necessary at this point and we can't do anything about it. Some people are after her life n they will go to any extent. They don't have a crossing line."

As I was about to say something, gunshots went off and suddenly all I heard were shouts and grunts. There were about 15 men with masks n tattoos. Leo covered me up and was standing like a shield in front of me, while Alex and Mr.minion were taking them down ahead of us.

"I'm not a kid, leo. I know how to defend myself.

"Sure you do, but I'm just protecting you on my part and this isn't exactly the time to test your abilities yk," Leo says while I shoot a guy who was coming up from behind at us.

"you were saying?" At this point, I'm just smirking at Leo so I def couldn't see someone targeting my punk ass and I know this how? cuz Leo fuckin pushed me to the side and now he s bleeding. God rey, aren't you feeling so good now?

"shit shit shit AH fuck my bad my bad I'll fix it don't worry-" I remove his jacket- suit 3 piece- whatever, I couldn't care less rn. I see blood and a deep cut but that's good news because it's only a bullet graze right? he s not dying."Reyna, I'll be fine. I've experienced shit before, you though- need to get the fuck out of here" He says as he gets up from the parking floor.

"NO. no. LEO STOP. I'm not leaving without Alex."

"I promise rey. He'll get out of here safe n sound, but you're coming with me. I don't care." He grabs my arm and starts to leave the parking lot towards the elevator, dragging me along.

"Leo don't- I DONT WANT TO LEAVE WITHOUT HIM- please just- we can wait right?"

"rey I promised. we have no time we need to leave" By this time we've reached outside where Leo s car- a fucking all black G- wagon s parked, but thats not what matters rn- I'm such a bitch.

Taking my time i get comfortable, Leo started the car while having to drive the car with one hand and texting someone from the other. "you do know that you could ask me to text for you right?" I said scoffing cuz of the fact that he doesn't trust me yet and expects me to do the same.

"My phone has details which- trust me you wouldn't wanna know about or else I would've gladly asked you to text for me" THERE. He has done it again. trust me- MY ARSE. I huffed in response as my curiosity got over me since I could see a 100 on the dash, he was just getting faster n faster. So I asked of course.

"would you like me to spare the oh-so-awesome surprise and at least tell me where you're taking me?"

He sighed and took a long breath before sayin "Listen here carino, I'm taking you to someone you call the capo. You can't use that shitty language with him right? and please. I'm saying please rey. DONOT annoy him or yk play with him and shit like i don't even care but i don't want you getting hurt by his very wronged brain."

OML did Leo seriously think I'm more of a listener and a follower like buddy I don't ever listen to people and especially not men. But just for his sake of believing in me- I agreed. So we're going to see this bitch of a person who wanted me kidnapped. I was totally starstruck when i saw a private fucking plane from a distance- which was- GOD. Is this capo like the son of a billionaire or sum?!?! There were about 3 range rovers and men with guns around a guy who was talking on a goddamn phone.

As we got closer n closer my curiosity and anxiety grew. We finally came to a stop and Leo got me out the car not to mention the blood he had all over his shirt and arms. We walked towards that guy- and ohboy.

"Leo, I don't have a good feeling about this- I-."



so besties- what do you think? okay but cliffhanger>>>> HELL YEAH. im so freakin sorry that i couldn't update for a longtime but whtv right? YOU STILL LOVE ME. TELL ME YOU LOVE ME.

anywhoreeee do you think reyna n vin s first interaction ll be interesting? let me know ... muah<3

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