Thalleous x Female Voltaris reader

202 4 11

Request made by @Graceful_pinkie
I'm sorry if this sucks - I'm a bit brain dead 😂
(This is an AU by the way.)

Why is it so loud? I sat up slowly, the stone floor felt amazing to my whole body; although there was a very loud ringing and pounding in my ears. Oh DeathSinger... so much pain... I felt along the floor for a corner, an edge, SOMETHING to lean against.
"You're awake." Someone muttered. "Finally..."
"Mmmh-" I rubbed my head gently, opening my eyes fully to get a look at the figure in front of me and my surroundings. It seemed to be a cell, with steal bars lining one wall to give view of a hall on the other side. "Where am I? Who are you?"
The Sendaris chuckled lightly. "She speaks."
I pulled my arms over to cross them, only to realize both wrists were in cuffs and chained down to the floor. "Where-"
"Nestoria. Below it actually..." he paused thoughtfully. "You know, I'm not exactly sure where this is... but uh-" he stopped himself. "I'll shut up now..." he mumbled.
"Is there... a reason you're here with me?"
His sky blue eyes shimmered against the dark grey of his eyes. They were full of life, sparkling shimmering life. He spoke softly but I didn't really hear anything, he was just... perfect.
"Okay?" He snapped his fingers. "Hellloooo? Anyone there?"
"Eh? Oh... sorry..." I sighed. "Its just- your eyes... they're beautiful..."
His jaw dropped a little, his cheeks flushed with a shade of light blue. "U-uh-uhm- t-th-thanks?" His voice trembled. "S-so are yours..."
We locked eyes for a moment... or a while, I couldn't really remember. It felt like time stopped.
Well, until a Kaltaris banged on the steal bars. "Hey, dumbass." He barked, glaring at the Sendaris man. "THALLEOUS!" He finally grabbed his attention.
"What." Thalleous rubbed his cheeks before he looked back at the Kaltaris.
"Ask questions you idiot. Its a interrogation for TideSingers sake." He sounded very exasperated.
"I was getting to that, I just got caught off guard for a moment..."
"Seems as though its about to happen again."
Thalleous turned suddenly to face me. I was practically breathing on him I had crept so close. I had pulled the chains taught. All I could do was pull my shoulders back and keep my hands behind me to stay at that range from him.
"The hell are you doing?" He scooted back against the bars.
"Escaping...?" I have to get home... they think I'm dead...
The Sendaris' eyes widened slightly, and he seemed somewhat saddened by that fact. I froze, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.
"Get on with it then, Thalleous. Use force if you have to." The Kaltaris pushed off the bars and continued walking down the hall.
Thalleous pulled up a hand, reaching out slowly to touch my cheek. I flinched back, the chains jingled when they hit the floor.
"Its okay." He reached out and touched my cheek before I could react.
I hadn't felt that kind of warmth in years, it felt so nice. I leaned heavily into his hand. The warmth spread throughout my body it felt like.
"What is your name?" Thalleous asked softly.
"What an interesting name..." he pulled away, sighing. "What is he planning?"
I mumbled a noise of question.
"What is DeathSinger planning?" Thalleous corrected.
"I-I don't know..."
"You do. I can see it in your eyes." He stood, towering over me.
"I-I-... I swear I DON'T KNOW!" I pleaded. "Please... don't- h-hurt me-"
"What gives you the impression I would?" He growled his sentence slightly.
"Y-yo-your sword-" I gestured to it with a trembling hand.
He looked down at his sword, stunned for some reason. He tucked it away, putting back in its sheath. He left without a word.


I woke to the sound of metal scraping against the stone floor. It was Thalleous again. He knelt down next to me and took out a ring of skeleton keys. Against my will he took my hand and put a key up to the cuff, cycling through each one until one fit the hole.
The chain clattered to the floor with a loud jingle.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"We don't have much time, the guards will only be out for so long." He fit the key into the other lock and unchained me fully. "Come on." He trotted quickly and quietly through the hall with me tailing behind.
"Why are you doin-"
"SHH." He pinned me up against the wall and into the shadows. "Get down!" He whisper shouted as he rounded the corner.
Apparently he had heard something I didn't.
"Ah, Thalleous, you pulled anything out of our little friend yet?" The Kaltaris from yesterday hissed.
I peaked around the corner just in time to see him throw a punch at the Kaltaris' face. I smiled and pumped my fist up in the air. Thalleous glanced back at me and smiled, running over and pulling me to my feet. "Come on."
"Why are you doing this?" I asked quietly.
"Because you're the spark I needed in my life..." he then turned and kissed me.
I flushed with red. He actually kissed me.
He pulled away after the short moment and smiled the most charming smile I had ever seen. He was perfect.

Okay that was a bit cringy, so sorry but like- thats all I could think of lmao
Goodbye for now my dudes

Ships and Reader X so-and-so (SONGS OF WAR)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon