Mendoris twins rivalry ;)

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Ok sooo- Galdar and Hadion fighting over Zullius... Let me just tell you my brain died lol
Request from @Zeviant12

Ardoni from all around were gathered together, the moon high in the sky, the torches flickered with the wind.
"Unbelievable!" The Kaltaris representative, Zulius, roared. He slammed his hands down on the stone table. "This is unprecedented! All four Ardoni clans were attacked - one village each, all dead. Slaughtered."
"Not just any villages either... they were after the Prime Songs." Master Siderian said.
"Many times has Thalleous Sendaris warned of this, and because of his efforts the Prime Songs are safe from the Voltaris... for now." My brother, Galadar, spoke up.
"Do not be so hasty Galadar, we are not certain this tragedy was the work of the Voltaris. It may have been bandits... or the Unyielding Legion. I have also heard about a Necromancer group rising in the west." I said.
"Then what will we do?" My brother asked, looking around the cave.
"As much as it pains me, I must concede with our previous judgement. We are too weak to attack, and we risk too much." Master Sidarian said.
Master Aurelius stepped forward. "Long has it been an honor for us masters to light the graves of our dead... so that their markings may shine forever. But the stones we lit today did not signify the passage of elders concluding long life. Today we buried innocents− massacred by an enemy we no longer have the strength or courage to repel."
They all bowed their heads, some in reverence, others in shame.
"Master Aurelius speaks wisely." Zulius said. "I will go forth against the Voltaris." As everyone looked over at him, he spoke a bit louder. "Thalleous warned us of a Voltaris attack on the Prime Songs... and the attack came. Before moving them, he told me that the Voltaris were on Mount Velgrin where they killed a companion of his - Hawken. I am no master, and I have no partner in life. I will do what I must to eliminate the Voltaris once and for all."
"What you propose would bring our clans to war." Siderian said, worried.
"Master Siderian... we face an even greater danger if we allow the Voltaris to grow in strength. I will go with you Zulius Kaltaris." Galadar said.
"As will I, brother. The only way to end this threat is to face it."
I could feel Galadar's pained gaze fall over me. I knew we both enjoyed Zulius' company... maybe a bit too much...
"The Ardoni will go to war once again. We will send word to the other clans and gather all Ardoni warriors who are willing to fight."Aurelius declared.
I walk out the door behind me, Galadar and Zulius walk out another. I can just barely overhear them talking.
"Many years has it been since we last wielded the Songs of war." My brother said softly.
"Let us hope... we remember how to use them." Zulius spoke, an Aggressium Song sounds, its twisted tune echos around the walls.


"Hadion?" I shouted. "HADION? WHERE ARE YOU?"
"Ow-" Hadion's voice sounds from beside me. "In the closet for TideSingers sake."
"Why on Ardonia..." I turn, opening the doors to the large cabinet we had turned into a closet when we got our home together. "Why are you in here?"
"I'm getting our things together. It will be a long trip." Hadion dragged out a small bag.
"Not if you stay and take care of Mother." I said.
"You really think I'm letting you go alone?"
"With Zulius..." I coughed in.
"EXACTLY! I'm not missing out on being with him on a epic adventure!"
"You know we can't cross clans. Nobody has ever done it and will never think to!" 

"Haven't you heard about the clanless boy over in Sendaria?" Hadion brought up. "A few think he might be a Cross Clan."

"Boys?! I'm home! I heard you two arguing, is everything alright...?" Mother came in to the room, making sure everything was alright. "What was that about crossing clans?" She stopped and realized what we were going on about. "Oh your not arguing about that Kaltaris boy again, are you?" 

Me and Hadion glared at each other, then looked over at Mother.
"He- We're going on a trip around Ardonia to get as many Ardoni together to fight the Voltaris..." I said quietly.
"Oh I heard about that... are you sure you want to go?" She said.
"We both already agreed to go. We can't back out now." Hadion said. "Besides, we'll get the epic adventure Father always wanted us to have."
"Hm..." Mother sighed. "Alright, but please be careful you two..."

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