Val x Senn

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So sorry of the delay - music school gives me something else to do.
Just fyi this takes place in an alternate time where Ria died in his arms... (sorry, I needed something to push it along.)
Requested by @sharkysparky

"Senn?!" A familiar voice called. "Senn help!"
"Ria!!?" Senn called back, spinning around amidst all the fire and smoke. "Ria, I'm coming!! Where are you?!"
"Senn!" She coughed, he was getting close. "Help!"
"Senn! I told you to wait!" Thalleous hissed, coming up behind him.
"But-" Senn started.
"But nothing! Come on, Senn!" Thalleous pulled him away, practically dragging him back to Timber.
"NO! THALLEOUS, LET ME GO!!" Senn screamed, running back into the flames. He tripped and fell, looking back up to see a bright sky blue. "Ria..." he breathed.
She collapsed in front of him, her markings fading.
"Ria!" Senn got up just in time to catch her. She had a large and deep cut down her chest. "No... no, please-"
"Senn...?" She opened her flickering blue eyes. "I'm tired... I want to sleep..." she sighed heavily.
"I know..." Senn sobbed. "I know."
"Hey. Little guy, you alright?" The Mendoris female asked, interrupting his train of thought.
She's still alive... he forced himself to stop crying. I can't cry now... not in front of her.
"I will be, Val..." Senn sniffed quietly.
"Y'know, I asked you on a walk for a reason." Val smiled softly. "And you keeping secrets wasn't that reason." She chuckled.
"She- she died... she died right there in my arms..." Senn looked up and around, seeing a much younger Kaltaris girl with her arms reached out in front of her.
The boy she was chasing ran between him and Val, and the girl bumped into them both. The young girl gasped, looking down at the ground. "S-sorry Ky'Val. Sorry Senn..."
"It's alright, Soli. Be careful next time okay?" Val pat the girl on the back.
"Soli! Race you to Uncle Galleous' house!" The boy shouted before running off. "AN' NO SONGS!"
"HEYY, YOU GOT A HEAD START! NO FAIR TULE!" Soli shouted, sprinting after him.
"'Uncle Galleous'?" Senn questioned, looking at Val who had a soft smile on her face. "...Val?" He poked her.
"Huh?" Val shook herself and looked at Senn. "Oh! Yeah... A sister of his married a Kaltaris. Those are his niece and nephew."
They continued walking for a while, Val leading most of the time. She brushed his hand once or twice with his, and after the third or fourth brush she held onto his hand. Senn blushed, not daring to say anything though.
"You spaced out on the walk earlier." She broke the silence. "Who was it...? W-who uhm... who passed?"
"My sister... she passed... s-she-" Senn sobbed, stopping at the edge of the island and looking down. The water rushed below, a few rocks jutting out. A few Guardians pushed against the current. "She was the best..."
"Senn be careful!" Val tugged him back. "I need to tell you something... I-I-"
"What is it, Mendoris?!" He didn't bother to use her name, he couldn't think straight as he spun around to look at her. "Spit it out!"
"If you died, I'd never forgive myself. I pushed you to the edge, I asked about her, I BROUGHT UP THE MEMORY! I found my partner, Senn, and it's you! I love you! I love you so much!!"
"Wh-what-?" Senn breathed, stepping back. "Y-you-you do?" The rocks gave out under him, causing him to slip. He screamed, flailing around to try and grab the ledge, but it was to late. It was just out of reach.
"SENN!! NO!" Val screamed, her golden wings unfurled as she dove down after him.
The ground was close. He was going to die. I'm going to die! I don't want to die! Not now! He thought as he reached out to Val. She pushed herself harder and harder, faster and faster to catch him. She blinked through tears, pushing herself as hard as she could to reach him.
Bones snapped and cracked under the sudden force. Senn let out a pained gasp before going silent. The world turned black, his vision gave out. Sounds blurred together, and everything went silent.

-time skip brought to you by me apologizing for putting you through pain-

"How is he?" Val asked, walking up to a Nestoris male who had just come out of Senn's room.
"Hon, go home. You've been here all day. Go rest." The Nestoris urged.
"Tell me or I'll go in there myself!" Val hissed.
The Nestoris healer sighed. "Not- not well..." He grabbed a paper out of his inventory. "I checked around... His back fractured from the tailbone up, and his right leg is broken. I don't know much else."
Val buried her face in her hands, sitting down against the wall. She forced herself to stop crying, she was already lightheaded from crying for at least twenty minutes. "I-it's- it's all my f-fau-fault."
"I don't know if he's even alive at this point..." The Nestoris admitted.
"Use your Song then!" Val looked up at him.
"Whoa, whoa slow down sweets." He tucked the paper away. "My Song only speeds up the healing, it won't fix it completely." His expression brightened slightly. "For a youngster who's this scrawny he suffered so much less than I thought he would. You saved him just in ti-"
"He's awake." A young Mendoris interrupted, stepping out from behind the Nestoris.
Val jumped up, not having a care in the world as she shoved both of the Ardoni aside and rushed into the room. Senn laid there on the bed, breathing shakily with his torso and lower leg in a cast. "Senn!" Val exclaimed and she jumped onto the bed.
"V-val?" Senn asked, pushing himself up with a grunt. "Oh- ow... ow." He shuttered.
"Yes, yes it's me." She slid up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
The two Ardoni healers watched from the doorway, smiling softly. "Lets leave the newest couple alone." The Nestoris chuckled, closing the door gently.
Senn sighed happily, kissing her on the head.
"I love you, Val... thank you for saving me... thank you for being my light in the dark..." Senn leaned into her.
Val wrapped her golden wings and arms around him. "I stayed up for three days just to make sure you were alive." She muttered, closing her eyes.
Senn let out a wheezy laugh. "Y-you did? Just for me?"
"Just for you, little guy." Val purred.
"Hey...! I'm not little... you're just- you're just tall..." Senn huffed.
Val sighed happily, drifting off to sleep in his arms.
"Goodnight to you too..." Senn smiled, hugging and kissing her before falling asleep.

I promise I won't ever touch the little child again 🥺

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