And the other guys introduced themselves as well. I also found out that the guy sat next to me was called Jungwon. The first thing I noticed about him were his cat-looking eyes - so mesmerising.

"Oh yeah this is Kim Mirae" Sunoo introduced me.

"You guys are siblings?" asked the guy called Ni-ki. Referring to our surnames.

"Siblings??? No way" we denied at the same time.

"Are you guys married then?" asked one of the guys, his name was Jay.

Both me and Sunoo SPAT our water.

"You guys are????" asked all of them in surprise.

"NO?" me and Sunoo shouted in union.

"We're best friends, and too young to get married" I explained.

"Oooo" they cooed together. At what tho, I had no clue.

"How come you guys are best friends and you never brought her to eat with us?" asked the guy called Jay, turning towards Sunoo.

"Well most of the times I just eat alone with her, or she eats in the library"

"Or just don't eat at all and sleep in the school garden" I bluntly stated, to which all the boys gave me a mix of confused and worried looks.

"You skip your meals??!?!" half-shouted Sunoo, giving me a shook face.

"Hey! It just happened a couple of times because I wasn't hungry and too tired so I fell asleep before eating anything"

"You still shouldn't ship your meals" commented Heeseung, sending a warm smile towards me.


"I'll keep that in mind" I replied, looking down at my food of tray.

"Stop staring at your food and eat it" said Sunghon, the boy who I supposedly stole the sit from. He now sat in front of me, and his cold attempt of encouraging me to eat, I'd say I'd let it pass. Nice spirit ig?

"Mm!" I took a bite of the tteokbokki, which was as delicious as always.

"It's the same tteokbokki you always eat and you always do the same reaction as you've ate it for the same time" stated Sunoo.

"And every time I eat it it's so damn good" I said while munching on those delicious tteokbokki pieces.

"Eat without talking at least" the boys found our encounter amusing, giggling to Sunoo's words.

I sent Sunoo a side eye, then continued eating my food.

"Do you like spicy tteokbokki, Mirae?" asked Jungwon.

"Oh I love spicy food! But there's an extent I can go to"

"Bro you cry every time we eat spicy food" said Sunoo, slurping on his noodles.

"That's because you always order the spiciest one without me knowing!"

"Yeah cause you take ages to decide so you say you'll eat whatever I eat!"

"Sunoo you can't do that to the poor girl" joked Jake.

"Take that, Kim Sunoo!"

"Shut up, Kim Mirae!"

Sunoo's friends surrounded Sunghoon and Jake's table, which happened to be right behind me and Sunoo. All 7 of them were discussing their own matters. As for me, I was sketching random things in my sketchbook as to not pay attention to them.

To tell you what I was drawing...I wasn't sure myself. Truth is, I enjoy drawing a lot, and people tend to call me talented for that. But drawing is such a pain whenever I feel the urge to draw something, yet nothing comes to mind. It's like an emptiness of creativity that clouds my mind - and I always happen to find myself drawing flowers or a basic eye.

Honestly, if you'd take a look at my books, all the margins would be filled eyes or random scribbles.



I stopped myself from drawing whatever I was. The grip of my pencil coming to a halt as I turned my head towards the voice that seemed to be calling out my name.

"Mirae, are you going deaf? I just called your name 5 times"

My eyes turned to Sunoo, and his friends who all seemed to have their eyes on me and him.

"Oh? I didn't hear you sorry"

"Exactly. Mirae, I'm scared you're going deaf"

"Nonsense bro I can hear you all clear"

"Can you tho?" a deep voice uttered near my ears, I shockingly turned around, only to be met by Sunghoon.

What was he doing so close to me? And from the behind? Did he plan to put me in a grave?

"Yes I can hear you all very well, I'm not going deaf."

"Anyways, what did you need me for?" I returned my attention back to Sunoo.

"I was wondering if you have in mind joining any after school clubs"

"Clubs? Uhm I don't know, I've never joined one before.."

Joining a club never preocuppied me, mostly because I had no one to join with. Well, except for Sunoo- but I never enjoyed the clubs he attented. Sorry Sunoo.

"How about the music club?" suggested Ni-ki, the youngest out of all 8 of us. He was fairly handsome, as all the others tbh. His real name was Riki, but he preffered going by Ni-ki since he moved here from Japan.

"Yeah, you can join the music club, all 7 of us are in it" added Jake, as he leaned himself foreward in the chair.

"Do you know how to play any of the instruments?" asked Jungwon.

"She can play the piano! She's really good at it" well thanks Sunoo.

"Omg really?!" asked Ni-ki curiously, as the others cheered a couple of "o."

"I guess I can play a bit.."

"Please pleaseee Mirae, join ussss" pleated Sunoo, clutching his hands together.

I looked at each one of them. After a long sight, and 20 seconds of contemplating, I came to a conclusion.

"Ugh fine, I'll join"

And to my response, all 7 of them cheered in union. Well, except for Sunghoon, he just stood there observing us like a little maniac.

"Let's go after school then!" said Sunoo happily, and all of us nodding in agreement.

MELTING ICE. ༉‧SUNGHOONМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя