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Senior year of Highschool. How great. Last and least, the final year of bearing this hell.

That's what I thought as I was walking down the school corridors.

My current destination was the school board, where tons and tons of the students' names were listed, each informing in what class you'd be unfortunate enough to fall in.

Vividly running my eyes throughout all the unfamiliar names, I came across mine;
"Kim Mirae"

Right across my name, there fell, "Class C"

Good enough, I guess? It's not like my previous years were any better. However, how much I'm gonna like this class depended on one thing only:

My classmates.

Oh how I wish I'd get the nice classmates, the ones that actually willingly help with your homework and don't stick gums on your chair. The nice ones that actually don't make fun of you and just mind their own business. Yeah, those classmates.

Knowing my luck, I'm not too eager to jump to conclusions now... I'm letting fate handle everything.

One more thing actually...this class will be doomed if there's not this one person in there...

So I quickly scattered my eyes throughout the list a second time, now searching of a different name.

"K, K, K..."

"Kim Sunoo! Right here and there!" the face of the Kim Sunoo, unexpectedly appeared next to me, him throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Looking for me sweetie?"

The cheerful sun of my life. Kim Sunoo. My one and only best friend. Honestly what would I do without him. My lack of socializing and friends clearly wouldn't get me anywhere without him.

Our connections go baaaack back in time, you could say we pretty much know each other since we were little. He was always by my side, no matter what.

"Can you read minds now? How'd you know I was looking for your name?" I locked my eyes with his sparkly ones, happy to see my best friend again.

"Because I know you can't live without me"

"Says who??? I'd like to inform you I'm a very much independent woman"

"Oh such a girlboss ain't you"

"Yeah so watch out cause I might just gaslight you"

"Anyways my dear best friend..I'd also like to inform you that I am indeed in Class C. I looked at our names already"

"And you didn't think to tell me beforehand so I didn't have to spend time going through this enormous list?" I snapped back at him, crossing my arms in an ironic way.

"No not really..must have slipped my mind" with his attempt of justifying his reason, he eagerly tried to snitch his way away from me.

"Kim Sunoo where are you going!!" I ran after him, my job here wasn't done.

"TO CLASS! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" he said shouting from the back, still running as he turned to wave his hand at me.

I came panting reaching the classroom. Opening the door with a fierce force, only to find Sunoo nonchalantly sitting in his sit, like there wasn't a crazy person on their way to murder him.

Maybe I should have watched my strenght..I must say the way I slammed that door might or might have not brought the attention of the whole class.

My embarrassed glance traveled the room full of students. To ease off the awkward tension, I quickly brushed my skirt and made my way towards Sunoo, ignoring all the glances I kept getting from my classmates.

MELTING ICE. ༉‧SUNGHOONWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt