Chapter 9

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Warm fluffy bed, a nice and quiet room, that's all that Irys needs. She didn't have the energy to get up even when she knew she had places to be. Actually, she even considered skipping classes just for today. She didn't wanna leave her room.

But unfortunately, the world isn't kind enough to give her the peace she needs. After a few shifts on her bed, she jolts up after hearing a loud banging on her door. 

"Yo, wake up! You're going to be late!" Says the muffled voice behind the door.

"Shut up, clock! Five more minutes!" Irys yelled, covering herself with a blanket.

"You said that 5 minutes ago you freakin 'devil! Get up!" The other person replied, causing Irys to groan. 

That's right. The world isn't kind enough to give her peace. Because she unfortunately has a perfectionist roommate who always wants things to be on time. She slowly got up from her bed and walked towards the door. She opened it as she rubbed her eyes revealing a tall blue haired girl standing outside of her room.

"Seriously, you need to fix your sleep schedule."  Said the woman as she crossed her arms.

"I am trying to fix it. It's not my fault I'm a busy person, Kronii!" She lightly shoves Kronii aside and walks towards the kitchen. 

This is their everyday life, Kronii has become her alarm clock. And to be honest, Kronii doesn't even mind. They always have a banter with each other but not to the point of hurting each other's feelings. 

It's only been a few weeks since Irys moved in with Kronii but it feels like they've known each other for a long time. They have this sibling energy radiating with each other. 

"This is why you don't get bitches. Anyways, I made sandwiches, take it if you want." Says Kronii. 

Irys scoffed and turned to face Kronii with a smirk, "Who says I don't get bitches?" She replied, earning an eye roll from Kronii.

Now, she didn't mean that Bae was her bitch. She meant the people who were chasing after her, men and women, a lot of them. I mean, Irys does have a pretty face, it's not surprising that a lot of people fancies her. 

"Whatever," Kronii sighs "I have to go now, my GIRLFRIEND is waiting for me." She said, smugly. Of course she's going to flex her girl, who wouldn't?

But Irys also didn't want to lose against her. "Oh, Kronii! I'll be home later than usual cause i'll be hanging out with my GIRLFRIEND" 

Kronii didn't bother to reply and closed the door loudly to shut Irys up but it only made her laugh even more. It felt nice to finally get back at her roommate after weeks of suffering from Kronii and Her lover's PDA.

She also feels like her ears might bleed if she hears Kronii's girlfriend saying she should start dating someone one more time. Don't get her wrong, she thinks Kronii's girl is nice but Irys is sick of being the third wheel all the time. 

After eating, Irys took a shower and got ready for her day. As much as she wants to skip, she's fully awake now so she couldn't do that anymore thanks to a certain roommate of hers.


"Oh, hey Irys!" A voice called from behind as she walked through the hallways. 

Irys turns her head to see a pink haired girl walking towards her. "Hey, Calli!" She replied. 

Calliope Mori, Irys's senpai having the same major in BM-V or the Bachelor of music in voice performance. Calli was more of an instructor to her than a senpai since Calli taught her a lot and enlightened her with the things she couldn't understand. 

"Are you heading to class?" Asked Calli, earning a nod from Irys. 

"Yeah! And since there's still a few minutes before the class starts, I plan on taking a nap." She says as she yawns, causing Calli to giggle. 

Irys isn't really a morning person and Calli knows this, but instead of coffee, Irys carries soda cans with her and even when Calli told her to stop drinking soda in the morning, she just never listens. 

"Oh, By the way, are you free later?"

"Why?" Irys replies.

"Kiara and I are having karaoke later, do you wanna come with?"

"I heard my name, what's up?" Says a voice besides Calli which made the two jump in surprise. The orange haired girl laughs uncontrollably after unintentionally startling Calli and Irys.

Kiara Takanashi, Calli's girlfriend, the sunshine of the group. She and Calli have been dating since high school and people who knew about it are still amazed by it. Some people who date in high school don't really last when it's time for college.

Maybe it's because they love and understand each other so much that they were able to stay together. Sometimes Irys wonders when she'll have someone the way Calli has Kiara and Kiara has Calli.  

"Jesus f-wording christ! Are you planning on giving us a heart attack, you shitty bird?" Exclaimed Calli as she clutched her chest which only made Kiara laugh even more.  Irys was giggling as well after she saa Calli's reaction, she thought it was hilarious!

Kiara wipes the tears in her eyes after laughing so much, "Anyway, what's up?" She says

"I was just asking Irys to come with us later to karaoke" Calli replied after regaining her composure 

Kiara's face perks up and turns to look at Irys, "will you???" 

Well this is one hell of a pressure on Irys. Honestly she's not sure if she wants to go. She thinks that she should give these two some alone time. She's always the third wheel, maybe she should take a break from that.  

"I already have plans with someone later though" Irys scratches her nape and gives them both an apologetic smile.

"Ohh~ a special someone?" Kiara teased. 

Irys hummed, "something like that." 

Kiara gave her a look that said 'spill the tea' and locked their arms together. "Yknow, If you're going to take them out on a date, I suggest the boba shop near KFP '' she whispered in Irys's ear.

Thus, the journey of being interrogated by her senpai begins!

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